901-1/2/827 (North East side)
01/11/66 Clifton College, Percival Buildings
and Wilson Tower
(Formerly Listed as:
Clifton College Big School, School
House and Wilson Tower) GV II Classrooms, library and tower. 1869. Tower of 1889, by Hansom
and Bond. Snecked Brandon Hill Grit with limestone dressings
and ashlar, ridge stacks and slate cross gabled roof.
Single-depth plan, forming NW side of quadrangle. Collegiate
Tudor Gothic Revival style, with Decorated Gothic
Revival-style tracery.
Percival Buildings are a 2 storeys; 9-window range. Cloistered
ground floor with central gabled gatehouse, first-floor
mullion windows with traceried heads, buttresses and
crenellated parapets. Open 2-centre arches to vaulted cloister
have attached columns and parapet; behind, first-floor
flat-headed windows to a parapet. Central projecting gatehouse
has diagonal buttresses to the ground floor, and 3 orders to
2-centre archway; attached corner columns to the first floor
run into finials with dragons, a canted oriel with central
cross window, parapet, and an ashlar gable with a blind
3-light panel and griffon finial. Flagged archway beneath has
benches, to 9-window rear range with wide 2-centred arched
ground-floor and 3-light first-floor windows, divided by
Right-hand Wilson Tower has 4 stages with large octagonal
corner turrets divided by strings, that to SW with an ashlar
top stage with a pyramidal roof with crockets. Wide 4-centre
archway has a label with head stops; 2 storey canted oriel
above on fan corbels, has 4-light windows, separated by a band
of shields, and with a parapet with panel tracery; paired
2-light third-stage windows, below a cornice with gargoyles.
INTERIOR: ground-floor classrooms with ceiling beams of
corbels, first-floor full-length library has cusped principal
rafters on octagonal aisle posts. Tower includes Council room
with good Tudor-style fireplace, panelled walls, and a
panelled ceiling and doors.
(Gomme A, Jenner M and Little B: Bristol, An Architectural
History: Bristol: 1979-: 320; The Buildings of England:
Pevsner N: North Somerset and Bristol: London: 1958-: 419).
Listing NGR: ST5699873886
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Books and journals Gomme, A H, Jenner, M, Little, B D G, Bristol, An Architectural History, (1979), 320 Pevsner, N, The Buildings of England: North Somerset and Bristol, (1958), 419
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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