901-1/7/883 (North side)
08/01/59 Nos.4 AND 5
St Angela's Convent, attached front
basement area railings and garden
(Formerly Listed as:
Nos.4 AND 5) GV II Pair of attached houses, now one convent. c1830. Possibly by
Charles Dyer, altered mid C19. Limestone ashlar with party
wall and lateral stacks, and a slate mansard roof.
Double-depth plan. Neoclassical style. 3 storeys, attic and
basement; 9-window range.
A near symmetrical pair has 2:3:3:1 windows, the central
section stepped forward with a rusticated ground floor,
second-floor sill band, cornice and parapet cut out for 4
dormers, with a raised central panelled section. Shallow
porches at each end, single storey to right, have
distyle-in-antis Doric columns to an entablature with dentil
cornice, doorways with pilasters and moulded lintels, to
2-leaf 8-panel doors. Plain windows; canted bays to the inner
side of the entrances, full-height to the left, have moulded
reveals, and faceted aprons fluted either side; horned
plate-glass sashes. The centre has a full-width first-floor
concrete balcony with lattice iron railings, and matching
second-floor basket balconies. Flagged basement areas covered
by cast-iron grilles.
INTERIOR: axial passage, now continuous, with modillion
cornice, to rear central dogleg stairs wth cast-iron splat
balusters, foliate newels; fluted architraves to 6-panel
doors, fluted marble fire surrounds, and Greek Revival-style
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: attached cast-iron basement area railings
to each end; front garden rubble walls, with railings to the
sides, capped ashlar Pennant piers and 2-leaf cast-iron gates
with dog bars.
Part of a group of fine villas extending W from Litfield
Place; Camp House (qv) also signed by Dyer.
(Mowl T: To Build The Second City: Bristol: 1991-: 142).
Listing NGR: ST5673273376
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Books and journals Mowl, T, To Build a Second City, (1991), 142
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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