In the entry for: SK 39 NE WENTWORTH WENTWORTH WOODHOUSE 4/131 Stable Block and Riding
School (formerly listed
29.4.52 with Westworth Woodhouse) GV II The address shall be amended to read; WENTWORTH WOODHOUSE Stable Block and Riding
School (formerly listed
with Wentworth Woodhouse) The grade shall be amended to read: Grade I. ------------------------------------ SK39NE WENTWORTH WENTWORTH WOODHOUSE 4/131 Stable Block and
Riding School (formerly listed
29.4.52 with Westworth Woodhouse) GV II Stable block and riding school now part of college of further education.
Started 1766 and in use by 1779, riding school completed 1789 (Wragg);
converted to present use c1950. By John Carr of York for Charles
Wentworth, 2nd Marquis of Rockingham; completed for his nephew the
4th Earl Fitzwilliam. Ashlar and dressed sandstone, Westmorland slate
roof. Quadrangular plan with riding school set behind to rear right.
Palladian style. Front elevation: 2 storeys, 3-storey towers; 15 bays.
Plinth. Rusticated quoins. Central portico and bays 4 and 12 break
forward and are rusticated. Portico: paired Tuscan columns flank tall,
round-arched carriage entrance retaining contemporary iron gates; arch
with impost band and console-shaped keystone. Plain frieze, heavy
mutules to pediment. Ridge surmounted by a drum with clock, side-wall
sundials and colonnaded cupola with ball finial. Outer bays each have
a tall sash with glazing bars and a small 6-pane casement above, all
within round-arched panel; continuous impost band to archivolts. Mutule
cornice. Bays 4 and 12 rise as towers each with blind balustrade beneath
6-pane sash; cornice to hipped roof with central stack. Balustrades
link towers with portico. Hipped roof with ridge and end stacks.
Quadrangle: many doorways with original panelled doors in architraves
with pulvinated friezes and cornices. Ground-floor openings in round-
arched panels; piers retain tethering rings and lead downpipes with
griffin emblems. Rear range: 15 bays; central 7 bays are 2-storey,
other bays single-storey. Pedimented and part-rusticated central bay
breaks forward as do bays 5 and 11. Central doorway with fanlight and
archivolt with console-shaped keystone. Flanking ground-floor bays
originally with large round-arched carriage entrances now glazed.
Band beneath 3 iron lanterns. 1st-floor windows are 6-pane sashes in
architraves. Modillioned cornice. Innermost single-storey bays have
doorways, other bays have sashes with glazing bars. Moulded cornice
with blocking course. Side ranges: also 15 bays. Part-rusticated
central bays break forward and rise as hipped-roof towers. Other bays
single-storey: bays 4 and 12 also break forward and have pediments. Doors
to principal bays otherwise round-arched sashes with glazing bars,
archway through central bay of western side. Riding school to rear: tall,
single-storey block, lit by lunettes beneath eaves. Interior: front range least altered,retaining feeding racks in round-
arched niches, stalls removed, disposition of upper-floor rooms unchanged.
Other ranges converted for present use, riding school forming gymnasium. R. B. Wragg, "The Life and Works of John Carr of York: Palladian Architect',
unpub.thesis, 1975, University of Sheffield, vol 2, ch.IV.
Listing NGR: SK3935597857
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Books and journals Wragg, Brian, Worsley, Giles (editor), The Life and Works of John Carr of York, (2000)Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 37 South Yorkshire,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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