This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 10 October 2022 to correct a typo in the description TL5338
CASTLE STREET (South side)
No.8 01/11/72 GV
II Formerly known as: Wheatsheaf Public House CASTLE STREET. House. Early C19 with C20 renovation. Grey/yellow gault brick, slate roof. Simple rectangular plan. Two storeys and C20 attic. Front North elevation: three bays with simple pilasters, basement podium has stepped batter to wall face. Windows and central doorway have slightly segment headed voussoirs, doorway approached by steps, overlight, door of four flush panels. Outer windows sashes with horns, glazing bars, 4x4 panes. Above door, similar window 3x4 panes. Two arched cellar openings in podium, blocked to West but, to East with gate and pavement trap door. Roof projects at East and West ends with pair of stacks at each end in rear and front roof pitches. Two C20 sky-lights. Rear South elevation: brickwork colourwashed, windows now irregular, ground floor, central C20 fully glazed door, to West, small inserted three-cant bay window, casements, 1x2,3x2,1x2 panes, small inserted C20 single light window, to East, C20 rectangular `picture' window, brick base. First floor windows, West-East, C19 sliding sash, glazing bars, 4x4 panes, C19 two-light casement, 2x3 panes, C20 three-light metal casement. Stacks and skylights similar to front elevation. West end elevation: plain but deep roof on projecting purlins. INTERIOR: central passage house with lay-out of public house saloon with boarded dado and serving doors remain, also cellar. The surviving deeds go back to 1897 when it was owned by Fordham, the Ashwell, Herts, brewing family. Listing NGR: TL5369238659
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