924-1/5/34 (South West side)
19/12/55 No.6
The Swan Hotel II Hotel. c1584, remodelled C18, with addition c1870; restored
and remodelled c1990. Rendered and painted front with stone
dressings, mainly renewed, and plain tile roofs. C19 addition,
to left, has coped gables and 2 coped stone gable stacks.
Plinth. Windows are mainly renewed glazing bar sashes with
projecting rendered surrounds.
Double gabled main block, to right, 3 storeys plus attics;
4-window range of 12-pane sashes and above, 4 similar sashes.
Above again, in each gable, an unequally hung 9-pane sash.
Below, to right, a painted stone doorcase with Ionic columns
and pilasters, and round-arched opening with keystone and
voussoirs. Reset datestone, 1584, and C20 door. To left, two
12-pane windows. Above, between floors, a full-width glazed
canopy on cast-iron brackets.
Slightly recessed addition, to left, 2 storeys plus attics;
3-window range of 12-pane sashes and above, 2 through-eaves
dormers with coped gables, each with a renewed 2-light stone
mullioned casement. Below, 3 round-arched windows with 2-light
casements and fanlights.
(Buildings of England: Pevsner N & Williamson E:
Nottinghamshire: Harmondsworth: 1979-: 171).
Listing NGR: SK5389561062
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Books and journals Williamson, E, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire, (1979), 171
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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