SE 16 SE
8/57 DACRE
(north side, off)
Lane Foot Farmhouse and attached barn GV
House and barn. Early-mid C18, barn dated 1751. Coursed squared gritstone, graduated
stone slate roof. House: 2 storeys, 1 bay; barn: 2 bays. Quoins. House: board
door on right in quoined surround with large lintel; to left on each floor 3-light
flat-faced mullion window. Cyma-moulded kneelers, gable coping, end stack left.
Interior not inspected. Barn attached to right: large central cart entrance with
quoin, the lintel raised to eaves height. Byre door to right: alternate quoined
surround, large lintel. Hollow-moulded kneeler and gable coping to right. Right
return: door to right with lintel inscribed 'T I 1715'. Evenly-spaced scaffolding
holes serve as vents. The list entry shall be amended to read:- SE 16 SE
8/57 DACRE
(north side)
Lane Foot Cottage and attached barn GV
II House and barn. Early-mid C18, barn dated 1751. Coursed squared gritstone,
graduated stone slate roof. House: 2 storeys, 1 bay; barn: 2 bays. Quoins.
House: board door on right in quoined surround with large lintel; to left on
each floor 3-light flat-faced mullion window. Cyma-moulded kneelers, gable
coping, end stack left. Interior not inspected. Barn attached to right:
large central cart entrance with quoin, the lintel raised to eaves height.
Byre door to right: alternate quoined surround, large lintel. Hollow-moulded
kneeler and gable coping to right. Right return: door to right with lintel
inscribed 'TI 1751'. Evenly-spaced scaffolding holes serve as vents. C20 garage
to right of barn of no special interest. SE 16 SE
8/57 DACRE
(north side, off)
Lane Foot Farmhouse and attached barn GV
II House and barn. Early-mid C18, barn dated 1751. Coursed squared gritstone,
graduated stone slate roof. House: 2 storeys, 1 bay; barn: 2 bays. Quoins.
House: board door on right in quoined surround with large lintel; to left on
each floor 3-light flat-faced mullion window. Cyma-moulded kneelers, gable
coping, end stack left. Interior not inspected. Barn attached to right:
large central cart entrance with quoin, the lintel raised to eaves height.
Byre door to right: alternate quoined surround, large lintel. Hollow-
moulded kneeler and gable coping to right. Right return: door to right with
lintel inscribed 'T I 1751'. Evenly-spaced scaffolding holes serve as
vents. Listing NGR: SE1803461671
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