680-1/14/62 (East side)
Stepney Board School and adjoining
infants' school and boundary wall GV II School, infants' school, and boundary wall. Dated 1886. By W
Botterill. Brick with ashlar dressings and gabled and hipped
plain tile roofs, the main roof topped with an elaborate
octagonal wooden bell turret with lantern, leaded ogee dome
and weather vane. Queen Anne style. Plinth, first-floor band
and sill band, string courses, coped gables.
Main block, 2 storeys plus attics; 12-window range. Windows
are segment-headed glazing bar sashes. Recessed centre, 6
windows, with gabled buttresses to the ground floor and
pilasters above. In the centre, a large double through-eaves
dormer with shaped gabled topped with pediments and two
28-pane sashes with keystones. On either side, two 20-pane
sashes with keystones. Below, six 24-pane sashes with scrolled
keystones and segmental hoodmoulds.
Beyond, on either side, projecting wings, 3 windows, with
shouldered and stepped coped gables divided by pilasters and
topped with pediments. Each has 3 square relief panels in the
peak. Central 32-pane flat-headed sash with relief panel in
tympanum, flanked by single 21-pane sashes, 2 of them partly
reglazed. These windows have scroll keystones and linked
hoodmould. Below, central 24-pane sash flanked by single
18-pane sashes, 2 of them partly reglazed, all with scroll
keystones and linked hoodmoulds. Right return has two 15-pane
sashes and above, a hipped dormer with a 2-light casement.
Below, two 18-pane sashes.
2-storey rear wing, 3 windows, has to right a projecting
gable, 3 storeys, 2-window range, and to its right a hipped
projection, 2 storeys; 3-window range. To right, single-storey
range, 3 windows, then lower single-story block, 3 bays,
linked to Infants' School.
Infants' School, single-storey, has coped gables and a square
bell turret with leaded ogee dome and finial. Facing gable, to
street, has three 28-pane sashes, one partly reglazed. To
left, a double gabled wing with a door and overlight to right,
and 3 small windows to left. To right, a larger wing with a
buttress flanked by two 20-pane sashes. Brick boundary wall to
right return, has gabled blue brick coping and 2 pairs of
square gatepiers. Lower section to right. Approx 100m long.
(Hull City Records Office: OBLM 7228).
Listing NGR: TA0895130437
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