TQ5890 WARLEY ROAD, Great Warley
723-1/17/158 (West side)
21/10/58 Thatchers Arms Inn
Formerly known as: Thatchers Arms Inn GREAT WARLEY STREET.
Public house. C17, C18 and C19. Timber-framed, plastered, some
scoring to imitate ashlar, mansard roof in peg and
machine-made tiles, central red brick stack. Rectangular plan.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys and attic. E front, 3 window range with 3
doorways with panelled pilasters, plain frieze and dentilled
pediments. Ground floor, N-S, early C19 3-light sash window
with glazing bars, 1x4, 3x4, 1x4 panes, doorway with door of 6
heavy beaded panels. 3-light casement window, doorway with
door of 2 lower recessed panels and an upper glazed panel,
3-light casement window, doorway with door of 2 lower beaded
panels and an upper glazed panel. First floor, three 3-light
casement windows over those below. Attic has 2 dormer windows
with hipped roofs and C20 renewed 2-light casement windows.
Rear, W elevation, additions of C19 and C20 obscure most
detail. N end has timber-framed and rendered cross-wing with
C19 rendered brick and peg-tiled lean-to, stack in yellow
brick and two 2-light casement windows. Principal range has a
C19 red brick lean-to with two 2-light casement windows above
two 2-light narrow window in early house wall, C20 minor stack
between. S end, C19 yellow brick stack and dormer doorway to
fire escape. Small C20 flat roofed addition at N end of C19
lean-to. S end elevation, principal block, ground floor,
projecting doorway under lean-to, peg-tiled roof. First floor,
early C19 3-light sash window with glazing bars, 1x4, 3x4, 1x4
panes. Second floor, C19 2-light casement window. To W C19
stack, C19 lean-to. Ground floor has 2-leaved, boarded door,
first floor, segment headed 2-light casement window. N end
elevation, essentially plain with C19 brick addition to N not
of special interest and not to be included in this listing.
Rear wing first floor has early C19 casement window with
moulded architrave.
INTERIOR: considerably rebuilt, but some tie-beams and binding
joists, where exposed, have chamfers with simple run-out
stops, suggesting C17 work. Central stack, ground floor,
restored but some original bricks of C17 type, also wooden
lintel and inglenook seat. Some primary braced framing evident
in rear wall.
Thatchers Arms, and other buildings around the green form a
Listing NGR: TQ5832490718