SS 61 NW 5/21 Southcott Farm
- II
Farmhouse. Early C16, remodelled probably in early C17, extended at rear in late
C17, lower end rebuilt in late C19, and reroofed and refenestrated in C20. Rendered
stone rubble and cob. Concrete tiled roof, hipped at left end. Axial brick stack,
brick stack at right gable end and stone rubble stack with brick shaft to gable end
of rear service wing.
Plan: Overall L-shaped 3-room and cross-passage plan, lower end to right, gable-
ended service wing to rear of hall to left.
Original plan obscured by later developments, but certainly consisted of an open
hall to left of passage. The hall may have been partitioned at the upper end, but
unless the left end wall has been rebuilt, this would have created an exceptionally
narrow inner room, and no certain evidence for this partition has survived. The
hall was ceiled and the axial stack backing onto the passage inserted probably in
the C17. Later in the C17, a kitchen/service wing was added to the rear of the
hall. In late C19, the lower end below the stack, apart from perhaps the front and
rear walls, was remodelled and a staircase added at the rear of the passage, the
outshut in which it is incorporated being raised to 1 1/2 storeys. In C20, the upper
part of the front wall of the main range was rebuilt to heighten the roof and a
former staircase beside the kitchen wing stack removed.
2 storeys. 4-window range. C20 fenestration, 2-light casements. Two 3-light
casements to ground floor flanking porch with gabled concrete tiled roof. 4-
panelled door, the upper panels glazed. C19 patterned tiled floor to porch. Leanto
at left end and I 1/2 storey outshut to rear with corrugated iron roofs.
Interior: 2 cross ceiling beams to hall cased in; bressumer at lower end chamfered
and scroll-stopped on hall side only. Probable creamery recess in rear wall
opposite stack. Blocked doorway into rear outshut. The hall stack was inserted
centrally between and free of the front and rear walls, with a 6-panelled door to
left and C20 cupboard blocking a further former doorway through from the passage to
the right. The hall fireplace lintel is a reused section of a former plank and
muntin screen, with mortices for 6 muntins. The concealed inner face reveals the
screen had a hollow-flanking roll-moulded cornice; the heavy charring suggests it
has been in use as a lintel for a considerable length of time. It is possible
therefore that it originally formed part of a low screen partition between the hall
and passage which was removed when the stack was inserted. The lower end is
featureless. Chamfered fireplace lintel to kitchen wing with diagonal step stops.
C19 straight-run staircase in outshut to rear of passage.
Roof Structure: 3 rough pegged late C17 trusses to rear kitchen wing. The middle
truss shows signs of smoke-blackening and is possibly a reused purlin from the main
range. 4 late C19 trusses over lower end. The hall roof consists of 2 trusses,
originally apparently jointed crucks, but the feet of 3 of the blades have been sawn
off above the elbow. 2 tiers of threaded purlins, diagonally set ridge purlin.
The inserted stack butts into the truss over the lower end of the hall, which is
nevertheless smoke-blackened on its lower side. This truss has a slightly cranked
morticed and tenoned collar. The collar of the other truss has been removed. At
the left end, the purlins have been sawn off and the roof modified to hip
construction. All the roof members over the hall, including trusses, purlins,
rafters and the surviving battens, apart prom the introduced hip members, are
thoroughly smoke-blackened.
Listing NGR: SS6161817730
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