SS 82 NW
15/65 Pulworthy Farmhouse and adjoining
farmbuildings to west
Farmhouse and adjoining farmbuildings. Circa 1500, altered in the early to mid-Cl7,
and outshut probably added at the same time. Refenestrated and wing added in the
mid-to late C19. Farmbuildings also added at the same time. Rendered probably over
coursed sandstone rubble and cob, farmbuildings added in uncoursed sandstone rubble
with cob below or under eaves and red brick door heads with stone keystones.
Asbestos-slate roof (formerly thatched), gable ended to left and half-hipped to
right, with catslide over outshut at rear. Lower gable-ended scantle-slate roof over
lower end of house and one range of farmbuildings, rest of farmbuilding with gable-
ended corrugated-iron roof. Coursed stone rubble square stacks with weatherings.
Plan and development: 3-room and wide cross-passage plan (possibly former through
passage, see window in rear wall opposite entrance) facing south; ground falls to
left. Late-Medieval open hall house, consisting of hall with unheated inner room to
right and cross passage and service end to left. Formerly open to the roof, probably
continuously from end to end with rooms divided by low screens (see surviving plank
and muntin screen). Remodelled internally in the C17 by the insertion of the first
floor, with an external lateral stack added to the rear of the hall and axial stack
inserted in the service room, backing onto the cross passage. The low ceiling
inserted in the hall suggests that the intention was to create a great chamber above
(see also first-floor fireplace and first-floor ceiling). Eaves raised over hall and
inner-room end, probably when the house was floored. Outshut to rear of lower end,
containing staircase to left of rear stack, probably also added when house floored
and probably formerly continuous along the back wall of the house before the additon
of the dairy wing. Inner room possibly divided at the same time and kitchen formed
from space at rear of cross passage. Dairy wing added at rear of upper (right-hand)
end, probably in the late C19. L-shaped range of farmbuildings (incorporating
shippons and granary in return wing) added to left-hand end, probably at the same
time as the dairy wing. Two-storey house; farmbuildings of 1-storey and loft.
Exterior: Roughly-symmetrical 3-window front. Late C19 wooden casements; three 2-
light casements to first floor (low left-hand one below eaves) and 2 ground-floor
casements to right, that to hall of 3 lights and that to inner room of 2 lights. C20
half-glazed cross-passage door to left. Shippon adjoining lower end of house has
boarded loft door with wooden lintel and central ground-floor segmental-headed
slatted window flanked by segmental headed boarded doors (2 leaf to left). Front of
return wing (projecting at right angles to left) with 2 boarded loft doors and 4
ground-floor segmental-headed boarded doors. Left-hand gable end has external stone
steps up to boarded loft door with wooden lintel.
Interior of house: Plank and muntin screen of c.1500, between cross passage and
hall, consisting of wide planks and muntins with wide chamfers; ledged nail-studded
boarded door with old strap hinges and nail-studded boarded door between hall and
room at rear of cross passage with straight-sided arched head. Cross passage with 2
chamfered wall beams to rear of screen, both with stepped runout stops, and chamfered
half beam to lower side of passage too, also with stepped runout stops, and that part
over doorway between passage and service room is chamfered on both sides. Front door
formerly wider (see wider jambs). Hall with pair of chamfered cross beams. Blocked
large C17 fireplace to rear of hall with dressed-stone jambs and C19 mantelshelf.
Blocked doorway to right of fireplace. Boarded door to dairy with chamfered frame in
rear right-hand corner of hall (chamfered half beam to rear wall of hall at this
point). Two doorways to inner room; late C17/c.1700 door to the front part of the
inner room with 4 raised and fielded panels (large panels to top and bottom and 2
small panels to centre) and mitred frame. Chamfered wall beam with scroll stops on
front wall of room. Dairy with slate shelves. Door of c.1700 between cross passage
and former service room, with 2 raised and fielded panels. Blocked old fireplace in
former service room and arched recess in front wall (possibly former window). Dog-
leg stair to left of hall stack with boarded door at base. Former great chamber over
hall divided, probably in late C19. Former great-chamber fireplace (probably C17) in
rear wall (now on to corridor) with fluted ornament, all papered over at time of
survey (July 1987). Old cupboard door to left of fireplace with strap hinges. Door
of c.1700 to right-hand bedroom with 2 raised and fielded panels and old boarded door
to rear bedroom over dairy. Cupboard in front wall of central bedroom incorporating
(probably reused) C17 panels.
Roofspace inaccessible at time of survey. Much of late-Medieval roof visible from
first-floor rooms, including 2 side-pegged jointed cruck trusses, over upper and
lower ends of passage. Lower purlins appear to be in situ too. Listing NGR: SS8139327591
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