SP 87 NW
(south west side)
5/101 Laundry, stable range and
adjoining garden walls at
Thorpe Malsor Hall
Laundry, stable range and adjoining garden walls. Late C18 and early
C19, with C20 additions. Ironstone with limestone dressings and Welsh
slate roofs. 2-bay laundry at north east end has a coped stone gable
stack. East front has to right a 6-panel door with wooden jambs flanked
to left by two 3-light casements. Above, two 6/6 sashes. Rear has 2
round barred ventilators and above, two 6/6 barred sashes. All the
rectangular openings have flat arches. Lower 2-story stable range, 11
bays, L-plan, has to east an off-centre carriage entrance with segmental
haed. To its left, 2 carriage openings with segmental heads and double
doors. covered by an early C20 glazed canopy on iron posts. Beyond, 4
doors and 4 semicircular iron casements. Beyond again, a carriage
opening with segmental head, and a gabled wing. To the right, a carriage
opening with segmental head and double doors. Beyond, a semicircular
iron casement flanked by single doors. Beyond again, a 3-light leaded
casement and a 2-leaf door, both with flat arches. Above, a near-central
square pitch hole flanked to left by 6 round ventilators. To its right, 4
similar ventilators and beyond, 2 pitch holes with flat arches. Rear
elevation has scattered fenestration with casements, square pitch holes
and round ventilators. Beyond, to west adjoining ironstone garden wall,
raised in brick to west and with inner brick leaf to north. Gabled slab
coping. Curved lower south wall has gabled tile coping. Approximately
rectangular plan, 150M long by 60M wide.
Listing NGR: SP8330678926
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