This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 20/01/2020 SU 67 NW
Purley Rise
Purley Hall including stable yard adjoining to east [Formerly listed under READING ROAD (south side), PURLEY. Previously listed as Purley Hall, including Blackamoor sundial] 25.10.51 G.V.
II House. 1609; altered circa 1720, with lead downpipe and rainwater head to south dated 1719; top floor removed circa 1818-20; altered and added to in 1869, including dated porch, and 1906. Red brick with Bath stone and rendered dressings, and slate roof. Half H-plan with gable to east, two gables to south, two projecting gabled wings to west, and later wing to north-east. Two storeys and basement. West front: rusticated basement, rendered quoins, string course, string to parapet in centre, coped parapeted gable ends with finials, and five stacks with paired octagonal shafts. One six-light mullioned and transomed window on both floors of each projecting wing, those on first floor with returned hoodmoulds; central first-floor glazing-bar sash with exposed wooden box and stone architrave, and four circular basement windows.
Seven steps with wrought-iron balustrades to central C19 porch. Four-centred archway with half-glazed door, curved spandrels, two-light rectangular overlight, side lights, carved date and initials H. W., carved coat of arms on parapet above. Two-storey additions set back to left with two first-floor windows and projecting ground floor curving forward to left with half-glazed doors and two two-light windows. Early C18 wall enclosing stable yard extending approximately 20 metres to left with brick plinth, flint and brick chequer work and angled brick coping. South front with two canted bay windows, and east front with one canted bay window and glazing-bar sashes. Later stable yard to north with early C18 enclosing wall to west and later converted stables with weathervane to east. INTERIOR: Entrance Hall: early C18 Thornhill style grisaille wall paintings, C18 staircase with carved tread ends, twisted balusters, and Corinthian column as newel; Dining Room: late C17 plaster ceiling, C17 panelled fireplace overmantel, and C17 carved wooden strips from former stables depicting stirrups; bridles, curry combs etc; Drawing Room: painted heraldic glass; Book Room: large C17 panelled fireplace overmantel with shaped pilasters, large carved brackets supporting cornice, and some linenfold panelling; painted glass depicting sundial, dated J. Rowell 1734. Much C17 and C18 panelling throughout house, and some C19 ceilings and fittings. The house was originally built for Francis Hyde, and Warren Hastings lived here, 1778-94. Charles Bridgeman laid out the grounds, 1720-21, altered by Humphry Repton, circa 1794. Listing NGR: SU6461675777
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Books and journals Ditchfield, P H, Page, W, The Victoria History of the County of Berkshire, (1923), 417-418 Pevsner, N, The Buildings of England: Berkshire, (1975), 195 'Murrays Architectural Guide' in Berkshire, (1949), 137 'Country Life' in Country Life, (1947), 310-313 'Country Life' in Country Life, (1947), 366-369Websites British Geological Survey, Strategic Stone Study, accessed 5 February 2020 from Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 3 Berkshire,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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