829-1/7/26 (East side)
14/03/74 Nos.20 AND 20A GV II Shown as No.22 on OS map.
House, now ground floor shops with offices above. C15 or C16,
heightened in C17, with C18, C19 and C20 alterations.
Timber-framed, stucco front. Modern sandfaced tiled roof, red
brick chimneystack with projecting band, dentils and
oversailing courses shared with No 22 (qv).
EXTERIOR: first floor has 2 early C19 sash windows, different
sizes, flush set, with glazing bars, exposed boxes and
architrave surrounds. Deep overhanging eaves cornice, with
plain soffit, but moulding at junction with wall. Ground floor
has C19 shopfronts, both subsequently altered, that on the
right having a cornice and blind box supported on carved
consoles. South gable wall rendered above, pebbledashed below.
Rear gabled outshoots to east C17, timber-framed and
pebbledashed with old tiled roofs. Building identified by RCHM
as originally a late-medieval single storey house, with a
storeyed south bay and an open-hall north bay, with flush
walls throughout. In C17 roof raised to give 2 storeys, and
roof reconstructed. The original roof had clasped purlins and
windbracing, the evidence for the latter is shown by mortice
voids in the principal rafters visible in the partition
between the 2 principal first floor rooms.
(Smith JT: English Houses 1200-1800. The Hertfordshire
Evidence: London: 1992-: 149, 154, 159; Smith JT:
Hertfordshire Houses. Selective Inventory: London: 1993-:
Listing NGR: TL3560414539
The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.
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Books and journals Smith, J T, English Houses 1200-1800 The Hertfordshire Evidence, (1992), 159 Smith, J T, Hertfordshire Houses Selective Inventory, (1993), 194 Smith, J T, English Houses 1200-1800 The Hertfordshire Evidence, (1992), 149 Smith, J T, English Houses 1200-1800 The Hertfordshire Evidence, (1992), 154
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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