829-1/9/99 (South side)
08/05/50 Nos.35, 35A AND 37A
(Formerly Listed as:
No.35) GV II* House, now commercial premises with flats over. Late C14/early
C15, C17, C19 and C20 alterations. Timber-framed, stuccoed
with old tiled roof with jettied stuccoed gable facing street.
Probably originally double jettied, and with attics projecting
EXTERIOR: 3 storeys. First floor has stucco and faint masonry
lining, and indication of 2 stages of diagonal windbracing
beneath outer finish. 2 windows: 3 light casement with cavetto
moulded mullions in centre, and to right 4 light square oriel
bay, with coved base, C19 divided casements, below moulded
head on underside of oversailing second floor. Second floor
carried on brackets and heavily moulded bressumer. Modern
stucco facing. 7-light casement window, partly renewed, but
containing some ovolo moulded mullions. Ground floor has
modern shopfront, with brick stallriser and projecting square
ended bay, with bronze glazing bars, fascia and lightly
moulded cornice, and modern oak glazed door at right.
INTERIOR: indicates large-scale 2 bay structure, originally
with open hall at second floor level. Rear refaced in
yellow-grey brick, C19, and chimneystack inserted C18 or C19.
Ground floor gutted, and overlaps with No.37 (qv) Modern
subdivision for flats on first and second floors - first floor
overlaps with No.37. First floor front room has late C14/early
C15 timber window, exposed internally, at left, with moulded
cinquefoil cusped head. 3-light cavetto mullioned window to
right beyond projecting oriel. Central posts and beams
indicate braced tie-beam structure. Second floor has C17
inserted ceiling, with exposed posts and one brace to central
tie-beam. Loft contains 2 bay crown post roof structure. North
gable has central stud with reset brace to collar purlin -
mortice indicates C17 alteration, and later repairs include
realignment of gable. Central crown post, with moulded head
and moulded roll base, with run out stop. Collar purlin
interrupted by inserted C18 red brick stack. Halved and pegged
rafters, with some modern replacements reinforced by modern
surface nailed braces.
(Perman D: Ware UD. List of buildings of special arch or
historic interest: 1993-: 28; Ware 25" to 1 Mile. Surveyed by
the Ordnance Survey Department: 1851-; Forrester H: Timber
Framed Buildings in Hertford and Ware: Hitchin: 1964-: 34;
Moodey GE: East Hertfordshire Archaeological Society
Newletter: Hertford: 1968-).
Listing NGR: TL3585514275
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Books and journals Forrester, H , Timber Framed Buildings in Hertford and Ware, (1964), 34 'East Hertfordshire Archaeological Society Newsletter' in East Hertfordshire Archaeological Society Newsletter, (1968)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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