829-1/9/119 (South side)
14/03/74 Nos.69 AND 71 GV II Former inn range, subsequently house, and now shop with office
above. C17, or earlier, timber-framed, refronted extended and
roof raised C18, with C19 alterations. First floor plum-red
brick, Flemish bond. Moulded stucco-faced panelled parapet.
Old tiled roof, with break in ridge line indicating 2 periods
of construction, T-plan red brick chimneystack on ridge at
right. One modern rooflight replacing 3 former box dormers.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys and attics. First floor has 6 recessed
sash windows, with plate glass in reveals under rubbed flat
arches, with stone cills, spaced 3 : 1 : 2. Ground floor has
shopfronts left and right of carriageway. No.69 has elaborate
late C19, c1880, shopfront, with stucco flanking pilasters,
with 2 tiered foliated capitals, loosely based on the
Corinthian order, and a moulded outward swelling cap above,
forming the base for stucco orbs on pedestals. The shopfront
has a stucco stallriser with a moulded timber cill, and twin
arcaded display windows, subdivided by barleysugar twisted
columns. The window heads are arcaded with moulded cast-iron
spandrel panels with fruit and foliage. Connecting the twin
windows in front of the entrance in its canted recess, is an
elaborate cast-iron foliated pierced panel with the central
initials RWH (R W Harradence). No.71, to right of carriageway,
has a late C19 shopfront, with timber pilasters, elaborately
carved moulded console brackets containing fascia, and an
arcaded shop window, over a timber stallriser. Foliated
carving in the spandrels of the arcading, fascia with moulded
cornice above. Timber posts and beam to carriageway, with
paired ornamental C19 cast-iron spandrel brackets. Plain
boarded gates. Exposed timber studwork in carriageway.
Frontage building greatly extended at rear C18 to form `double
pile' plan over carriageway. Rear outshoots either side of
central yard. 2 storeys, plastered, with 4 first floor
windows, coved eaves cornice and old tile roof behind No.69.
Long rear outshoot to No.71, 2 storeys, yellow brick ground
floor and oversailing first floor, plaster over
timber-framing, with Welsh slated roof.
INTERIOR: attic over eastern end of front range has smoke
blackened rafters, and evidence of a former crown post roof,
raised C18 when building refronted. Dog-leg newel stair runs
from first floor to attics. Close string construction with
moulded handrail and column on vase balusters. Several first
floor rooms retain C19 marble fireplaces, ornamental
plasterwork and display niches from Harradence's showrooms.
Site of The Catherine Wheel Inn recorded in 1479, whose owner
William Pyrrey has brass in St Mary's. The building formed
part of the Harradence's Drapery Department Store from 1775 to
1871, together with Nos 65 and 67, and 73 adjoining (qv).
(Hunt EM: The History of Ware: Hertford: 1986-1946: 100-101;
Perman D: 600 Yrs of Charity. A Brief History of the Ware
Charity Trustees: Ware: 1991-: 8; Perman D: Ware UD. List of
buildings of special arch or historic interest: 1993-: 33;
Ware 25" to 1 Mile. Surveyed by the Ordnance Survey
Department: 1851-; The Victoria History of the County of
Hertford: London: 1912-: 382).
Listing NGR: TL3571814312
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Books and journals Doubleday, A, The Victoria History of the County of Hertford, (1912), 382 Hunt, E M, The History of Ware 1986-1946, (1986), 100-101 Perman, D , 600 Years of Charity: A Brief History of the Ware Charity Trustees, (1991), 8
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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