901-1/36/1832 (South East side)
St Agnes' Sunday School GV II School, now school and gym. 1882. By C Hansom. Extended 1893
probably by W Wood Bethell, and 1908. Pennant rubble and
limestone dressings, red brick, lateral and ridge stacks and
slate and tile cross-gabled roofs. Tudor Gothic Revival style.
3 builds around 3 sides, each single-depth plan.
1882 block to the SE: 2 storeys; 6-gable range. A symmetrical
front of coped gables with gableted finials, linked by short
parapets pierced to cast-iron hoppers, divided by ground-floor
buttresses, with large 3-light window with 2 mullions and
transoms; right-hand 2-centred arched doorway beneath a window
with 1 transom, a timber porch in bay second from the left
with 2-centred arched doorway and pointed windows with a
hipped roof, and a blind ashlar mullion window above; slate
roof with bands of hexagonal slates, and 3 small louvred
The right-hand return gable has a segmental-arched 5-light
mullion and transom window, low 2-centred arched windows each
side and 2 carved round panels, with a decapitated gable stack
and date pad; to the right is a single storey, 4-gable range
with plate-tracery 2-centred arched 2-light windows, and a
doorway second from the left with a shouldered lintel; 2
louvred dormers.
1886 block to the NW is U-shaped, with a tiled cross-gabled
roof and lateral and ridge stacks. Thomas Street elevation is
2 storeys; 5-window range: a central 3-storey gabled porch has
a 2-centred arched doorway with hood and fleur-de-lys finial,
drip course, with a similar doorway at the right-hand end.
Windows have ogee trefoil heads: paired ground-floor
right-hand mullion windows, the rest with transoms, two
3-light ground-floor windows to the left, 5-light on the
first-floor and 3-light to the entrance block.
The left return has 2 gables linked by a parapet, with a
central doorway; ground-floor cross windows, triple to the
left with flat heads, 2 to the right, first floor has 3-light
right-hand and 5-light left-hand windows, with a lower 3-light
stair window over the doorway. A hall extends back from the
right-hand end of the road front.
1908 block attached to the SW end is polygonal rubble with
tile roof, 2 storey, 2-gable range: coped gables and ball
finials, a right-hand gabled porch has a Tudor-arched doorway
and recessed door, and an inscribed date pad. Mullion and
transom windows, 3-light to the left of the door, 6-light to
the ground-floor left-hand gable, and 4-light first-floor
windows; leaded stained-glass casements. Blind right-hand
brick return has a gable with lateral stack.
INTERIOR not inspected. The 1886 block shares decorative
details such as window heads with the adjoining Church of St
Agnes (qv) by Wood Bethell of 1886. A picturesque,
well-detailed group related to the Hansoms' work on Clifton
(Gomme A, Jenner M and Little B: Bristol, An Architectural
History: Bristol: 1979-: 430, 436).
Listing NGR: ST5992974086
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Books and journals Gomme, A H, Jenner, M, Little, B D G, Bristol, An Architectural History, (1979), 430,436
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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