941-1/10/259 PRESTON
St Ignatius School
School. c.1836-42, probably by J.J.Scoles, enlarged 1856 and between 1866 and 1880; altered. Red brick in Flemish bond, with sandstone dressings and slate roofs. Double-pile plan on north-south axis, single storeyed under a 2-span roof, the west range extended northwards, and with additions including a 2-storey wing in the angle. Tudor style, with octagonal corner turrets, parapets with ridged coping, and large mullion-and-transom windows. The east range, which is symmetrical and least altered, has a central gabled porch with Tudor-arched doorway (now blocked) with dagger spandrels, dripmould and embattled parapet; three 6-light windows each side, with short Tudor-arched upper lights; and parapeted gables, that to the left with a chimney. The west front, formerly symmetrical and with a similar porch (still in use), has been extended 4 windows northwards, and all the windows now have C20 six-light joinery (inverting the proportions of the originals). The additions at the north end include a tall 2-storey crosswing gabled to the east, which has in the upper storey 3 tall transomed windows, that in the centre of 9 lights with 2 transoms, a statue in a niche above this, and the date 188[ ]. Forms group with St Ignatius Presbytery, to which it is now linked by additions to that, though originally separate.
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