801-1/8/50 (South West side)
10/06/74 No.4
Milton House GV II Includes: No.20 Whip Inn MARKET STREET.
Restaurant, coffee shop and cafe. No.4 Market Place possibly
C18, extensively remodelled in late C19; No.20 Market Street
probably mid C18, with C19 alteration. No.4 Market Place of
coursed rubble stone with alterations in mottled brick,
moulded and cogged brick eaves cornice, and ashlar doorcase.
Coped gables and shaped kneelers to roof and to dormer
windows, with ball and pedestal finials to roof kneelers.
Pantile roof with brick stacks at right end, right of centre
and centre left. No.20 Market Street of rendered brick,
incised to resemble ashlar, with pantile roof.
No.4 Market Place front: 2 storeys and attic; 4 bays. Centre
left pedimented doorcase with glazed door and overlight,
between cross-windows in brick surrounds with cambered arches
and ashlar cornice hoods. At right end, former shop front of
brick projects slightly, with segment-arched openings on
pilasters beneath moulded cornice, containing half-glazed door
and overlight, and 2 tall transomed windows. Above shop front,
cross-window in gabled half-dormer; further left, 3
cross-windows with stone sills in brick surrounds. In attic, 2
gabled dormers with cross-windows. Right return: 2-storey
1-window gable wall. 3-light window on ground floor, 2-light
window on first floor, both in surrounds similar to former
shop front on Market Place elevation.
No.20 Market Street front: 2 storeys, 1 window. C20 glazed
door and blocked overlight in segment-arched opening, at left.
Altered shop front to right, of plain pilasters, bowed fascia
and moulded cornice on grooved consoles, containing tripled
4-pane sashes with stone sills, over stone riser. First floor
window is 4-pane sash with painted stone sill. Cogged brick
eaves course.
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