SK9239 BELTON PARK, Belton
1315-0/8/74 (North West side)
19/02/52 Stables to Belton House
(Formerly Listed as:
Stables north-west of Belton House)
GV I Former stables, now tearooms. c1688, with late C19 addition
and C20 alterations. By William Stanton, Master Mason. Coursed
squared stone with ashlar front and dressings and gabled and
hipped slate roofs. 4 square coped ashlar ridge stacks. Plinth
and moulded eaves cornice. 2 storeys plus attics; 11 window
range, arranged 1 : 4 : 1 :4 : 1. Windows are mainly casements
with diamond-pane glazing, moulded stone surrounds and
mullions. Courtyard front has projecting centre and end bays,
the hipped end bays with quoins and first floor bands.
Pedimented centre has a moulded pedimented doorcase flanked by
round arched niches and with a panelled door and overlight.
Flanking ground floor windows are larger cross casements. Left
return has 4 round arched carriage entrances with panelled
double doors, imposts and keystones. Above, two box dormers.
Right return has 2 reglazed 2-light casements, and below, a
reglazed segment arched window, flanked to left by a plank
door and to right by a canopied opening to a shoeing floor. To
right, a loose box, C19, with coped gable and finials, topped
with an ogee domed octagonal cupola. Central panelled door
flanked by cross casements. Rear elevation, to Belton House
Drive, has projecting centre and end bays with coped gables,
kneelers and finials. Flush quoins and modillion eaves. In the
centre, a 2-light window with above it a crest under a
cornice, and below it, a moulded cornice with doorcase and
panelled door. Each return has a 2-light window above and a
larger cross casement below. Flanking bays have 3 windows on
each floor. End bays have a loft door with a landing on
brackets, and a cross casement below.
INTERIOR has some early stalls, all with turned wooden
columns. Those to left of the entrance carry an entablature,
those to the right, segmental arches. The latter also have
shaped partitions and recessed round mangers. Both sides have
moulded doorcases with pulvinated friezes and cornices.
(The Buildings of England: Pevsner N, Harris J & Antram N:
Lincolnshire: London: 1964-1989: 139).
Listing NGR: SK9285939394
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Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 27 Lincolnshire,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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