1315-0/15/174 (East side (off))
Baroque terrace, fountain and
statues 25 metres south-east of
Harlaxton Manor
GV II* Terrace, fountain and statues. c1838-1844. By William Burn for
Gregory Gregory. The statues of reclining lions, C18, are from
Clumber Park. Ashlar. Baroque Revival style.
Retaining wall with projecting centrepiece, flanked by curving
stairs, and beyond them, raised flower beds.
Centrepiece, 3 bays, has rusticated corner pilasters, and
above a cornice, a shaped balustrade to the side bays, with
panelled pedestals. The centre bay has a plain lintel on
half-figure corbels, the side bays and returns, rusticated
round arches. In the central opening, a round arched altar,
and behind it, a grotto containing a shell. On a raised
platform in front of the centrepiece, an octagonal basin with
a shallow bowl fountain. On 3 sides of the platform, steps
flanked at the front by rectangular pedestals with marble
statues of lions.
On each side of the centrepiece, the retaining wall has panels
defined by pilasters, and a ramped shaped coping. At each end,
an L-plan staircase with intermediate landing and scrolled
balustrade wall. At the foot of the stairs, a square raised
bed with plinth, coping and double angle pilasters. On the
outer side, an urn on a square corniced pedestal. Behind the
beds, L-plan stairs with intermediate landings, shaped
balustrade walls and volutes.
On the upper level of the terrace, low enclosing walls with
plain coping and square pedestals. Central opening flanked by
curved walls with stone seats. Opposite the opening, a pair of
steps carrying a rectangular corniced pedestal.
This building appears within Harlaxton Manor Gardens which are
on the Gardens Register at grade II*.
(The Buildings of England: Pevsner N, Harris J & Antram N:
Lincolnshire: London: 1964-1989: 367).
Listing NGR: SK8957832246
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, Harris, J, Antram, N, The Buildings of England: Lincolnshire, (1989), 367Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 27 Lincolnshire,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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