829-1/5/186 (South side)
Mortuary Chapels at Ware Cemetery GV II Mortuary chapels, now disused. 1854-1855. By Thomas Smith,
architect. Brick, with cement `rock' facing, with
bitumen-lined `joints', artificial stone dressings, cast
cement or Coade stone ornamental bosses and gargoyles, Welsh
slated roofs. L-plan, with twin chapels of 3 bays each at
right angles, south chapel for Anglicans, north chapel for
non-conformists, with tower in re-entrant. Free interpretation
of 14th century Decorated style.
Chapels have projecting buttresses, with lancet windows, with
cusped, and curvilinear traceried heads, principal E and W
windows of Anglican chapel and N window of non-conformist
chapel, having 3 lights, with cusped heads, and curvilinear
tracery with mouchettes. All windows in moulded reveals, with
dripmoulds above, those on side elevations continuations of
reveals, with dripmoulds above, those on side elevations
continuations of string courses. Principal east and north
doors flanked by colonnettes, with moulded caps and moulded
arches, and dripmoulds with ornamental bosses.
(Heath C: The Book of Ware. A Portrait of the Town: Chesham:
1977-: 83).
Listing NGR: TL3495314987
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Books and journals Heath, C, The Book of Ware A Portrait of the Town, (1977), 83
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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