In the entry for: SU 93 NW WITLEY CP BROOK ROAD 8/253 Kingswood II The entry shall-be amended to read:
SU 93 NW WITLEY CP BROOK ROAD 8/253 Kingwood Hall, Kingwood
Court with attached
screen walls and dairy
and Kingwood Coach-house GV II House, now 2 dwellings, with attached screen walls, dairy and coach house. 1902
by F W Troup for J King. Red and grey brick in diaper pattern; plain tiled roofs.
Main range of 2 storeys with attics, to rear under two gabled dormers to left.
Four cross-ridge stacks. Entrance front symmetrical with projecting gable end wings.
Central boarded gabled dormer with two leaded casements over decorated lead panel.
One window on first floor of each gable, oriel type bay window on braces to ground
floor of right hand gable. Two mullioned and transomed cambered head windows to
ground floor of left gable under tile-on-edge heads. Five leaded casements to first
floor centre, the outer ones two-light, the centre ones three and four-light. On
ground floor, two cambered head mullioned and transomed windows to left; two to
right; central door with,margin lights under battlemented porch with decorative
lead panel and wooden lintel supported by brick side walls and two stone pillars
with octagonal plinths and caps and convex section shafts; a further door to right
in old window opening. Subsidiary range set back to right and masked by quadrant
screen wall ramped down from house with flat ashlar coping and ball finial. Garden
front of main range: gabled to left, with angle bay to ground floor; splay bay
to right of centre and stone coped steep gable above; leaded casement windows;
curving screen wall to front left. Subsidiary range has at left end, hexagonal
dairy with two 2-light windows with board shutters. Projecting from subsidiary
range to front right is former wood and coal-store range linking main range to
coach-house: of 2 bays, the yard elevation having right bay projecting and gabled
with double, board sliding doors, each with small window and weatherboard gable
above with pitching door; left bay set back with double board, sliding door; ridge
cupola to right bay having decorative clock faces to each side of leaded lower
stage, open upper stage, and swept lead roof with ball finial and weather vane;
left return has a 3-light window, and formerly weatherboard gable with wood-
mullioned window opening. Interior: Main range: hall (in Kingwood Hall) has stone
fireplace under projecting hood; wood panelling in walls, frieze above now
obliterated. Former coach-house and linking range in state of disrepair at time
of inspection.
JACKSON: F W TROUP (Building centre Trust) ills 33-6. PEVSNER: BUILDINGS OF ENGLAND
SURREY (1971). Drawings for the house, considered the best house by Troup, survive
in the RIBA.
------------------------------------ SU 93NW WITLEY C.P. BROW ROAD 8/253 Kingswood II House. 1902 by F. W. Troup, now divided. Red and grey brick in diaper pattern;
plain tiled roofs. Two storeys with attics to rear under two gabled dormers to
left. Four cross ridge stacks on main range. Entrance front - symmetrical with
projecting gable end wings. Central boarded gabled dormer with two leaded
casements over decorated lead panel. One window on first floor of each gable,
oriel type bay window on braces to ground floor of right hand gable. Two
mullioned and transomed cambered head windows to ground floor of left gable under
tile-on-edge hoods. Five leaded casements to first floor centre, the outer ones
two-light, the centre ones three and four-light. Two cambered head mullioned and
transomed windows on the ground floor to left, two to right. Central door in
margin lights under battlemented brick porch with decorative lead panel to front.
Wooden lintel below on supporting brick side walls and two stone pillars with
octagonal plinths and caps, and convex section shaft. Further door to right, in
old window opening, and subsidiary range set back to right. Garden front -
Gabled to left, with angle bay to ground floor. Splay bay to right of centre and
stone eoped steep gable above. Leaded casement windows.
Interior:- Hall - stone fireplace under projecting hood. Wood panelling in walls,
frieze above now obliterated. JACKSON: F. W. TROUP (Building Centre Trust) ills 33-6.
Drawings for the House, considered the best house by Troup, survive in the R.I.B.A.
Listing NGR: SU9374837903
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Books and journals Jackson, , FW Troup Pevsner, N, Nairn, I Rev. by Cherry, The Buildings of England: Surrey, (1971)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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