6/183 Lizwell Farmhouse
GV II Farmhouse, possibly a former longhouse. Early C16 with right-hand end (possibly the
former shippon) rebuilt in C18; left-hand end of main range may be basically
medieval. Granite rubble, the older part of main range and the rear wing including
some large-scale granite ashlar; left-hand end of front wall is covered with
patches of old roughcast. Roofs covered with real slates, except for the older part
of main range, which has asbestos slates; roof of rear wing, slightly higher than
the rest, is hipped and has several old, handmade ridge-tiles with low crestings.
Old chimneystack with stone weatherings on centre of ridge; smaller stack on each
gable, the left-hand one with an added brick shaft. In rear wall of older part of
main range is a very large stone stack. Plan consists of a cross-passage with 2
rooms to left (probably the former hall and inner rooms) and 2 further rooms rebuilt
in C18) to right. Behind and at right-angles to the hall is a 1-room wing, probably
a parlour with high-quality chamber over, added in early C16. The position of the
chimneystacks is unusual for a Dartmoor farmhouse. It is very rare to find the hall
fireplace in the rear wall of the hall; this one may even have had a second
fireplace at the rear, heating the parlour. On the right-hand side of the cross-
passage, abutting the section rebuilt in C18, is another old stack; this may have
been inserted to heat a kitchen at the upper end of the shippon, a modification
found in several Dartmoor longhouses. 2 storeys. 6-window front. Older part to
left is 3 windows wide with 8-paned sashes, many of the panes containing old glass.
Between-storeys in each of the 2 left-hand bays is a panel of slate-hanging. Old
plank door in right-hand bay of this part, opening into cross-passage; above it is
a C20 wooden hood with slated pent roof. Just to the right of the door is a full-
height straight-joint, and at the top of the piece of wall between this and the
doorway is a granite block carved with the date 1630 and 2 almost illegible
initials; according to the former list these are R E with a heart between them. In
the rebuilt right-hand section all the windows have 3-light C19 casements with 3
panes per light. The 2 ground-storey windows have flat arches with roughly-cut
voussoirs. Between them is a doorway with a plain granite lintel; above it are
some re-set fragments of medieval stone window-tracery. In the north-east wall of
the rear wing, in the ground storey, is an early C16 granite window of 3 lights.
The mullions have been removed, but the hollow-moulded round-arched heads remain,
set within a rectangular hollow-moulded frame having a heavy hood-mould above.
Interior: ground-storey room of wing has broad, chamfered upper-floor beams. Room
above seems, from the occupants' description, to have roof-trusses with arch-braced
collar-beams. Remainder of interior not inspected.
Listing NGR: SX7067174421
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