(East side) 1/186 Dog House Farmhouse II Farmhouse. C17, with later alterations, C19 facade, and mid-C20 addition
to right. Timber framed. Ground floor red and grey brick in a mixed
bond, first floor rendered. Left gable end has exposed principal
posts, and framing of 2 panels to storey-height with brick infilling.
First floor of rear gable end of left wing framed, with curved tension
braces. Plain tile roof. L-plan, with left cross-wing of three short
timber-framed bays, projecting to rear, and main range of one bay,
possibly with stack bay towards junction with wing. Mid-C20 addition
to right. 2 storeys. Rendered.plinth. Roof hipped to left (hip
returning to rear), gabled to right, cross-wing roof hipped to rear.
Red and grey brick ridge stack towards centre. Irregular fenestration
of two twenty-pane lights (some panes opening as casements), with
segmental heads. Similar windows to ground floor. Semi-octagonal
weatherboarded porch under stack, with swept leaded roof, acorn finial,
and projecting eaves with pendant wooden fringe, supported on iron
columns. Door of six fielded panels with paterae, and two twelve-
pane lights, also with paterae. Right addition set back, with brick
ground floor, weatherboarded first floor, hipped plain tile roof,
and one twelve-pane sash. Interior: right ground-floor room has chamfered
axial beam, and cross beam in front of stack. Wing has front room
of two timber-framed bays, with chamfered cross beam terminating on
shaped bracket, chamfered joists, and slight evidence for former front
gable-end jetty. Rear bay formerly partitioned off. Chamfered rectangular
doorways to first floor. Gunstock-jowled posts. Mortices for five-
light mullion window with dowel subsidiary mullions to front gable
end of wing on first floor. Brick fireplaces with wooden bressumers.
Listing NGR: TR1363448448
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