SK 7346
Stables with adjoining
7/69 forge, water pump and
boundary wall at Flintham
Hall (formerly listed as
28.11.72 Outbuildings at Flintham
Hall) G.V. II Stables, forge, water pump and boundary wall. c.1829 and mid
C19. By Lewis Wyatt. Brick with hipped and gabled slate roofs.
Partly rendered. Rendered plinths. 7 ridge stacks. 7 bays wide
by 10 bays deep. C-plan. Windows are mainly glazing bar sashes.
Most openings have segmental heads. South west end has re-sited
ashlar doorcase, late C17, with eared architrave, scroll brackets
and broken pediment. From Winestead Hall. North west range has
to left, 4 sashes alternating with 3 doors. To right, 3 pairs of
carriage doors. Beyond, a door and a sash. North east range has
pedimented 2 storey central bay with elliptical headed carriage
opening and pair of close boarded doors. On each side, a door
flanked by single sashes. To right, timber cased lead pump with
cranked handle and half-round stone trough. Cistern inscribed "H
1820". Above, 2 blank openings and above them, clock. Above
again, octagonal cupola with elliptical headed openings, ogee
lead dome and wind vane. South east range has to left, a pair of
garage doors flanked by single sashes. To right, a blocked door
and a sash. To right again, round headed opening. Adjoining
forge, 5 bays, has an off-centre pair of doors with elliptical
heads. To right, casement flanked by single doors. At each end,
a larger casement. Interior has forge hearth and bellows.
Adjoining boundary wall, brick with slab coping, L-plan, has 3
square piers with ashlar caps. Approx. 60M long.
Listing NGR: SK7385246173
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Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 33 Nottinghamshire,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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