TM 39 SW DITCHINGHAM SCUDAMORE PLACE 1898/6/10003 Nos. 1-28 (consec) attached
screen walls, garages II
Housing estate of elderly persons bungalows in four terraces with aattached screen walls and garages. Nos 1-5, Nos 6-12, Nos 15-21 and 22-28 (all consecutive), completed by a bungalow linked to a two-storey day room. Built by the Loddon Rural District Council, 1956-64, architects Tayler and Green. Single storey, brick-sand lie, dapple lights, yellow-brown and red facings over tarred plinths. Decorative gable ends including projecting diaper patterns in headers (no 1); diaper patterns in dark brown and dapple light facings (No 5); projecting headers with date '1959' (no 12); diaper pattern in red headers and stretchers (N o 15) .Wooden bargeboards, plain and zig-zag cut, tall brick chimney stacks with pitched concrete copings and clay pots. Plans with varied frontages, ranges of two and three-1ight steel casement windows and timber doors with glazed panels. Wooden trelliswork fixed to front elevations of several dwellings, a part of the original design. Two-storey warden's house, No 14, groups with the single-storey day room set at right angles, turning the corner from Hollow Hill Road to Thwaite Road. Day room has large timber framed 'picture window' projecting as shallow bay, and glazed entrance door, alongside which is set a black slate panel, with Sir Edmund Bacon, the architects, and the builders, Harvey and Leech. The site layout takes the form of four terraces, running south-west to north-east though not precisely parallel, with vehicular access to each end, and pedestrian walks between and along the north and south. The terraces are linked with curved brick crinkle crankle walls, and an electrical sub-station and two garages, facing the short cul-de-sac north of Thwaite Road, are elements of the original design. The estate as a whole is notable for the sensitivity of its detailing, the ingenuity of its layout and the rich design quality generated from simple, inexpensive materials. Each element has been designed to relate to the whole concept, and the estate also complements the nearby housing Nos 25-39 (odd) Hollow Hill Road (qv). The scheme was commended in the 1964 Housing Medal Awards. Source: (Architect and Building News 4 July 1947: 9-15; AR CXXXIV (741) October 1958: 229-230; Buildings of England: NorthWest and South Norfolk: 135-136: AAJournal April 1960: Tayler: 176-178; RIBAJournal, October 195=47: 607-609).
Listing NGR: TM3383391252
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, The Buildings of England: North West and South Norfolk, (1962), 135-136 'Architectural Review' in October, , Vol. 741, (1958), 229-230 'Architect and Building News' in 4 July, (1947), 9-15 'Architectural Association Journal' in April, (1960), 176-178 'RIBA Journal' in October, (1947), 607-609
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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