630-1/23/344 (West side)
12/03/55 Nos.1-11, 11A, 15 AND 17 (Odd)
and attached railings
(Formerly Listed as:
(West side)
Nos.1-39 (Odd)) GV II Terrace of 9 houses and attached railings and area railings to
Nos 15 and 17. c1830-40 with later additions and alterations
including C19 ground-floor shop-front to Nos 1, 7 and 11, and
C20 shop fronts to Nos 3, 5 and 9. Stucco over brick with
concealed roofs, brick party-wall stacks, and wrought- and
iron window guards and balcony. Double depth plan with right
side hallways.
EXTERIOR: 3 storeys, Nos 15 and 17 on basements and with attic
to No.31, 18 first-floor windows, 2 per house. Stucco
detailing includes; continuous first- and second-floor bands,
frieze, cornice and blocking course. 6/6 sashes where
original, taller to first floor, in plain reveals and with
sills. Entrances to right, mainly 5-panel doors (where
original), with overlights, Nos 15 and 17 with decorative
glazing bars and pediments on corbels. Shop fronts: No.1 has
off-centre glazed entrance between plate-glass windows with
slender pilasters, with frieze and cornice; No.11 has turned
pilasters and 2-pane front with frieze and cornice,
part-glazed door with overlight set back to right. Right
return has 3 first-floor windows; 6/6 sashes, second floor has
1 blind window.
INTERIOR: not inspected.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: No.3 has continuous first-floor balcony
with concentric-rod-and-circle motif; first-floor window
guards to Nos 7, 9, 15 and 17 have web motif pattern, and to
Nos 11 and 11A have Carron Company double-heart-and-anthemion
motif. Area railings to Nos 15 and 17 have concave scrolled
lozenge motif. Between houses a short run of arrowhead
HISTORICAL NOTE: No.1 recorded as a draper's shop in 1892.
No.3 was registered as T James, butcher in 1892. No.11 was a
tailor's shop in 1892. Shown as laid out and some built on
Merrett's Map of 1834.
Part of a fine street of mostly 1830s and 1840s terrace
(Chatwin A: Cheltenham's Ornamental Ironwork: Cheltenham:
1975-1984: 27,34-5; Merrett HS: Plan of the Town of
Cheltenham: 1834-). Listing NGR: SO9452721453
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Books and journals Chatwin, A, Cheltenhams Ornamental Ironwork, (1975-1984), 27 34-5 Merrett, H S , Plan of the Town of Cheltenham, (1834)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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