784-1/10/23 (South side)
Carfield Schools and adjoining
playground shelter
Formerly known as: Norton Lees School ARGYLE ROAD.
Nursery, infant and junior schools and adjoining playground
shelter. 1903 and c1913, with late C20 alterations. By Joseph
Norton. For the Norton School Board. Coursed squared stone
with ashlar dressings and gabled and hipped slate roofs.
Renaissance Revival style.
EXTERIOR: plinths, sillbands, string courses, coped gables and
parapets. North front has to right the infant school, 2
storeys; 12 window range. Shouldered coped gables topped with
segmental pediments, coped ridge stack and tapered octagonal
wooden bell turret with ogee lead dome and finial. 4
shouldered through-eaves dormers with segmental pediments and
glazing bar cross casements, each flanked by single smaller
cross casements. Below, 6 large segment-headed 3-light
windows, flanked to right by a segment-headed opening with
infill panel and double board doors. To right again, a
half-height segment-headed window. Beyond, blank rear wall to
playground shelter.
Left gable has a square projecting porch to left, flanked by a
first-floor cross casement to its right. Below, a
segment-headed opening with C20 doorway.
Single storey rear elevation has a double gabled wing to left,
with volutes, segmental pediments and pilasters. 6 tall cross
casements, the right one altered to full height. To right, a
shorter wing with coped gable stack and square projection with
parapet. 5 wooden casements with transoms.
Infant and junior school building, to left, 3 storeys; 12
window range. Double range plan. Shouldered coped gables with
segmental pediments, crests and datestones, large ridge stack
with arched opening, single side wall stack, and similar bell
turret to the infant school. North front has 12 glazing bar
cross casements and above, 4 through-eaves dormers with
similar windows and segmental pediments, flanked by smaller
cross casements. Below, 4 large segment-headed 3-light
windows, flanked to right by 2 similar openings containing
doors with overlights and sidelights, then 2 blocked
half-height openings.
Left end has projecting left gable with 2 doorways and
overlights, flanked to right by a tall cross casement and an
external dogleg stair to the lower yard, with coped balustrade
walls. Above, 3 tall cross casements. Below, to right, a
segment-headed opening with C20 doorway. Right end covered by
scaffolding at time of survey. Rear elevation has a projecting
double gabled wing, 2 storeys, with 6 tall cross casements on
each floor. To left, a 2 storey set back bay with 2 windows on
each floor, the upper ones larger. To right, a 3 storey set
back bay with 3 small windows on each floor. To right again, a
projecting hipped bay, 2 storeys, with 2 windows on each
floor, the upper ones larger.
Hipped link building and toilet block has blank north wall
with external dogleg stair to right, with coped balustrade
walls. Rear elevation has late C20 single storey additions.
(Researches by G Hague, Sheffield City Council).
Listing NGR: SK3561684273