ST03SW HUISH CHAMPFLOWER CP - 5/91 Chitcombe Farmhouse
- II
Longhouse, now farmhouse. C16, lower end subsequently rebuilt, extended with store at upper end, reroofed and
refenestrated C19. Rendered over rubble, slate roofs extending left over former curing chamber ano addition to west,
central roughcast start wth rebuilt brick chimney, lower independently roofed east end, extended as catslide over
dairy, C20 roughcast stack rising from eaves centre. Plan; faces south, site slopes steeply away to east, probably
2-cell of longhouse extended west with store, rebuilt east end with single cell through passage and dairy beyond. Two
storeys,1:2 bays, all late C19 and early C20 casements, end bay left loft over store, square headed doorway, windows
opening to former curing chamber wall set back with 3-light window first floor, similar below to left of door, 2-light
beyond and lower block with 2-light window first floor, nesting boxes at end, ground floor one window right and 2 left
of plank door. Interior: chamfered beams with scroll stops to kitchen, chamfered lintel to fireplace with remains of
curing chamber to left, stair inserted against rear wall, another stair in projection from rear wall of centre room,
beyond chamfered beams with step and runout stops either reset or very late. Upper storey: 6-panel raised and fielded
door; appears to have been reroofed in C19.
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