NZ 42 NE
(west side)
6/24 Briarmead
G.V. II Wrongly shown on O.S. map as Hill House. House, 1883, by Philip Webb.
Roughcast on brick with late C20 clay pantile roofs, raised stone gable
copings and 4 rendered stacks corbelled out at tops. 2 storeys and attic,
asymmetrical. Principal (west) garden front has narrow, pent pantiled roof
on brackets, to right of ground floor, over one square (right) and one
canted bay window. Lower monopitch-roofed open porch adjoins the latter and
has a 4-panelled, ½-glazed door within. Paired windows to left of porch. 5
first-floor windows. All windows have segmental-arched heads, rendered
sills and sashes with glazing bars. Timber boarded eaves soffit. Single,
gabled dormer, with steep-pitched roof and late C20 casement window,
repeated on rear (east) slope of roof. Short single-storey pent wing to
left, and later adjoining porch by W.F. Linton, c.1905, with pyramidal
roof. Gabled 2-storey and pent single-storey wings to rear (east), the
former containing the principal entrance doorway. This is linked to street
by a long pent loggia, open on its south side, with stop-chamfered timber
columns and cobbled paving, and terminating in a crow-stepped ½-gable
containing a segmental headed doorway with boarded door. Yorkshire sashes
and casements with glazing bars, to sides and rear. Internal features by
Webb, include panelled doors and architraves, window reveals and shutters,
fireplace surrounds and staircase. Formerly known as Hill House.
Listing NGR: NZ4913428192
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