The following building shall be added to the list: SU 94 NW WANBOROUGH WESTWOOD LANE 8/140 Small barn approx 15
metres to north east
of Tithe Barn GV II Agricultural building, now store. Probably early C17, altered late C18/early C19,
later C19 and C20. Timber framed with brick infill on brick, rubblestone and flint
plinth, with addition of flint and rubblestone with brick quoins. Plain tile roof.
2 storeys, 3 bays, the left bay added late C18/early C19, with added rear outshut
of different builds. East side: added bay, on left, is blind. The 2 right hand
bays have square-panelled timber frame with sole plate, mid rails, wall posts arch-
braced to eaves plate, and intermediate studs; one diamond-paned casement window
to centre of left bay; the 3 central posts have sawn-off ends of formerly-projecting
timbers. Rear: catslide roof comes down low over brick outshut which has blocked
doorways, one window and C20 dormer. Left return (added bay): inserted double
door; reused small-pane window above, inserted c1985; gable of C19 brick and
timbering with arch-braced king-post truss. Right return: inserted full-width
doorway with C20 folding doors; first-floor hatch with board door; 2 diamond-paned
casements above; gable of brick with timbering, some of which is old, some C19.
Interior: posts jowled; mortices in timbers from former wattle and daub infill
and from former studs and braces; floor rests on large scantling chamfered cross
and spine beams with lambls tongue stops, but spine-beam stops at left end of centre
bay are truncated, indicating probable insertion of floor. Roof over 2 right-hand
bays has queen-post truss between bays, queen-strut truss on left (struts possibly
replacing posts) and 2 collared trusses, with clasped through purlins, coupled
rafters and one arched wind brace (another removed), the whole roof leaning
significantly to the north with later long, straight, braces bolted on to counteract
movement; roof over left bay has some reused timbers, collared truss, clasped
through purlins and coupled rafters with plank ridge piece.
Listing NGR: SU9343748915
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