SE 31 NE
14.2.1952 SHARLSTON
Sharlston Hall
(Formerly listed as "Old Hall Farmhouse" GV
II* Manor house, now 2 dwellings. Dated 1574 on porch, but thought to be of C15,
C16 and C17 builds. Timber frame, cased in stone and now rendered, with roof
of stone slates. L-shaped plan formed by alterations and successive
additions to an early C15 hall of linear hearth-passage plan, making a long
and irregular range facing south, with a projecting west wing. Now all 2-
storeys, plus an attic in one wing. The south facade of the main range has 5
irregularly-disposed and unequal gables, including a small 2-storey gabled
porch offset right of centre, the upper floor and jettied gable of which have
exposed decorative framing of small square panels with quadrant braces, the
rail and tie-beam bearing a Latin inscription and the date 1574 (see RCHM p.
25, note 54); the hall to the left has a large 5-light mullion-and-transom
window (which is matched by an opposed window in the rear wall), while an
inserted gabled dormer with a 3-light mullioned window breaks the eaves to
the right of this. To the right of the porch are the gables of inner and
outer east wings, both with slightly set-back upper floors; the inner,
slightly overlapped by the porch, has a 3-light casement at ground floor, two
2-light casements at 1st floor, and a square casement to the attic; the
outer, which has a catslide roof on the further side, has 2 altered windows
at ground floor a 2-and a 3-light mullioned window at ground floor and one
above, and (on the further side of an attached garden wall) mullioned windows
of 2 and 3 lights, and a tall gabled dormer rising from the return wall. The
hall has a ridge chimney slightly left of the porch. To the left of the hall
the gable of a mid-C15 solar wing is mostly covered by a low projecting wing
added to the front, which itself has a further addition in the re-entrant
angle, with twin-gabled jettied upper floor; and a lean-to addition covers
the remainder of the re-entrant wall of this wing. The gable of this wing
has altered or inserted windows; the return wall has a large external chimney
stack close to the front, with offsets, an added porch to the rear of this,
then a restored 4-light mullioned window and 2 casements above; the return of
the solar wing (which is continuous) has a similar external chimney stack, a
3-light mullioned window to the front of this and a casement above. The rear
of the hall has 2 gabled dormers (like that at the front) over the hall
window, (and 2 temporary timber buttresses at the time of survey, 1986), a
back door (opposed to the porch) and above this a 2-light casement breaking
the eaves, with a segmental pediment; the rear of the inner east wing has a
built-out ground floor with 2 French windows, casements at 1st floor and a
square casement to the attic; the rear of the outer east wing has 2 very
large external chimney stacks, the inner of which carries 3-diagonal flues.
Interior: details of construction concealed or inaccessible at time of survey
(1986), but see RCHM Rural Houses of West Yorkshire 1400-1830, esp. p. 212;
and manuscript report in W. Yorks. Archaeological Unit, Wakefield. Listing NGR: SE3954418879
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Books and journals Giles, C, Rural Houses of West Yorkshire 1400-1830, (1986), 212
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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