TM 0477
5/67 The Old Rectory
-- II
House, former Rectory. Early C17, extended C18, cased and further extended
mid to late C19. Timber frame, plastered with red brick to later additions.
Steeply pitched plaintiled roofs. Main early range is 6 bays, 2 cells with a
4 bay secondary range to form an L on plan. Extensive additions to front and
to rear to form an irregular rectangular block. All 2 storeys and attics. 3
bay C19 re-fronting of C18 front range has a central projecting C19 entrance
porch, double 4 panelled doors, first floor glazing bar sash, moulded brick
cornice and string course, trefoiled bargeboards to gabled head, small sashes
in returns. Outer bays have tripartite glazing bar sashes with timber
uprights for blind boxes, first floor glazing bar sashes. All openings have
chamfered surrounds with gauged brick flat arched heads, stone sills. Left
gable end ground floor canted bay window, cusped bargeboards. A C19 bay to
rear left has a ground floor bay window, segmental headed sash windows, barge
boards . C19 axial stacks behind front block and added bay have filletted
shafts, oversailing caps. To rear right and set back is secondary C17 range
linking to main early range further back. Linking range has 2 bays of glazing
bar sashes with a fanlighted 6 panelled door to right, two 2-light glazing bar
casement gabled dormers, ridge of roof raised with a hip to C19 rear addition.
Main early range gable end projects slightly further to right, lower eaves and
higher ridge than linking range, 4:8 and 16 pane flush frame sashes, 2-light
casement in attic. Left gable end tripartite windows with 2 lights in attic,
a half glazed door to rear left. Ridge stack to right of centre, rebuilt cap.
Attached to rear 1 storey C19 service outbuildings, plastered timber frame,
red brick and flint with ridge stacks, a hipped roof to right. Interior:
front rooms have C18 box cornices, C19 staircase; early range has bar and
indented ogee stop chamfered axial binding beams, ovolo moulded to right,
altered close studding, 2 and 4-light ovolo mullioned windows, lower butt and
upper clasped purlin roof, cambered collars, cranked windbraces ,in end bays;
secondary C17 range has concealed frame, double butt purlin roof with cambered
collars. Later front block roof has unusual framed trusses supporting large
side purlins.
Listing NGR: TM0451077702
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