646-1/19/315 (South East side)
12/07/72 Nos.5 AND 5A
Castle Bank and attached boundary
(Formerly Listed as:
Nos.5 AND 5A) GV II House, now 2 houses, and attached boundary wall. Dated 1873.
By Watson Fothergill of Nottingham for the Misses Woods.
Altered later C19. Red brick, with ashlar and blue brick
dressings. Green and grey banded slate roofs with coped
gables. 2 large coped stacks, one altered. Gothic Revival
Plinth, first floor sill band, ashlar bands, traceried eaves
band. 3 storeys; 3 window range.
To left, a massive canted bay window, 3 storeys, 4 sashes,
with a pyramidal roof and finial. Blank ground floor, with 2
sashes to the left return. Above, a paired sash with central
shaft, flanked by single sashes. Above again, 3 smaller single
sashes. To right, 2 small sashes, and above, to left, a
pointed arched cross casement with quatrefoil head. Above
again, a small mullioned window set in the eaves band.
Left return is fronted by a brick boundary wall with plain
balustrade and moulded brick coping. Central opening to a
panelled timber-framed porch set at an angle, with half-glazed
segment-arched door. Above it, a pair of sashes with brick
mullion, and above again, a gabled through-eaves dormer with a
traceried round window.
Right return has on the first floor an angled corner window, 3
lights, with shafts, under an ogee corbel with datestone.
This building was Fothergill's first house in the Park.
(The Buildings of England: Pevsner N: Nottinghamshire: London:
1979-: 246; Get to know Nottingham: Brand K: Watson
Fothergill, Architect: Nottingham: 1987-: 4).
Listing NGR: SK5672439518
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Books and journals Williamson, E, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire, (1979), 246 Brand, K, 'Get To Know Nottingham' in Watson Fothergill Architect, (1987), 4
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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