646-1/11/765 (North West side)
19/04/78 Woodborough Road Islamic Social
(Formerly Listed as:
Woodborough Road Baptist Church) II Baptist church, now Islamic social centre. 1893. By Watson
Fothergill of Nottingham. Converted c1980. Red brick, with
rock-faced stone basement, blue brick, red brick and ashlar
dressings, gabled and hipped plain tile roofs. Tall coped
corner stack. Idiosyncratic Romanesque style.
EXTERIOR: plinth, polychrome bands and string courses, bays
divided by shallow pilasters. Main body with basement,
clerestory and apse, aisles, cross wings, north-east tower.
Main body, 6 bays, has at the east end 4 segment-arched
basement openings, and above, 4 cross casements. Above again,
4 tall round-arched windows. Clerestory has six 3-light
round-arched windows on each side.
North aisle has an arcaded basement with 6 segment-arched
openings. Above, 5 shouldered windows, 2 lights. Above again,
5 cusped round windows in round-arched recesses. At the east
end, a pent-roofed porch and stair enclosure with 2 doorways
and a truncated round-arched window, 3 lights. Above, 3 small
round-arched stair windows, stepped.
Gabled cross wing, to north-west, has 2 segment-arched
basement openings, and above, a 2-light shouldered window.
Above again, a graduated triple window with round arches.
North east tower, octagonal, 3 stages, with hipped roof and
cast-iron crest. Basement level has a double doorway with
ringed granite shafts and blank fanlights under gables. To
left, a small round-arched window under a similar gable.
Above, 2 flat-headed windows. Bell stage has a hipped canopy
on each side, with clock dials.
INTERIOR: red brick with blue and buff brick dressings, has
rendered aisles and east and west ends. Arch braced roof to
main space, with corbels and stencilled ceiling. East end has
a recess with polychrome round head carried on cast-iron
columns. Barrel vaulted recess, flanked by angled cross
casement windows, has a glazed tile band. Main space has
arcades with 5 polychrome round arches on round cast-iron
columns with elaborate capitals. Aisles have lean-to roof and
galleries with renewed panelling to fronts. West end has an
arch braced apse, containing a panelled gallery. Under the
gallery, a glazed wooden screen forming offices. Basement,
carried on cast-iron columns, subdivided late C20.
(The Buildings of England: Pevsner N: Nottinghamshire: London:
1979-: 262; Get to know Nottingham: Brand K: Watson
Fothergill, Architect: Nottingham: 1987-: 11).
Listing NGR: SK5745840919
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Books and journals Williamson, E, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire, (1979), 262 Brand, K, 'Get To Know Nottingham' in Watson Fothergill Architect, (1987), 11
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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