1112-1/28/862 (South East side)
14/06/54 Church of All Saints
Parish church. C14 arcades and south wall, refaced in C19;
tower c1400, lantern rebuilt 1837; mid C15 clerestory; chancel
demolished and east end rebuilt c1780, remodelled 1887; north
wall and west end rebuilt 1834; vestry 1850-55, enlarged 1912.
Ceilings repainted 1987. Rebuilding of east end by William
Bellwood; remodelling by Fisher and Hepper, carving by GC
MATERIALS: magnesian limestone ashlar on chamfered plinth of
rubble stone; C18 masonry vertically tooled; asphalt and lead
PLAN: truncated cruciform plan with 3-bay aisled nave and
clerestory, south vestry and embraced west tower.
EXTERIOR: east end of chancel and transepts flanked by offset
buttresses with gargoyles and crocketed pinnacles. East window
of 3 cinquefoiled lights with cusped reticulated tracery in
2-centred head between similar transept windows, all with
moulded sillstrings. Towards west end of north side, C18
panelled door with 2-centred head and C12 closing ring in form
of a dragon swallowing a human figure. South side buttressed,
with projecting gabled vestry at western end, with squat
diagonal buttresses surmounted by gabled crocketed finials and
board double doors on wrought-iron hinges: square-headed
windows of 2 and 3 cinquefoiled lights in extension. North and
vestry doorways are chamfered with coved hoodmoulds on corbel
stops. North side has five 3-light windows, south side four.
Clerestory bays on both sides articulated by pilaster
buttresses with gargoyles, originally surmounted by crocketed
pinnacles: one remains on south side. Square-headed windows
are of 3 cinquefoiled lights. 2-stage west tower surmounted by
octagonal lantern. West window of 5 cinquefoiled lights
beneath panel tracery in 2-centred head, flanked by offset
buttresses. North and south faces have small pointed doorways
to aisle roofs; clock face above each. Belfry openings on each
face are of 3 cinquefoiled louvred lights in flattened
4-centred heads with hoodmoulds, above belfry string. Lantern
is buttressed with crocketed pinnacles and gargoyles between
tiered lights of twin cinquefoiled openings with panel tracery
in 2-centred head. Parapet composed of cinquefoiled openings
beneath crocketed gablets. Aisle west windows are of 3
cinquefoiled lights. All window openings are hollow chamfered
and have coved return-stopped hoodmoulds, except the east
window which has corbelheads: all, except the west window,
have reticulated tracery in the head. All parts of church
including vestry, clerestory and tower, are encircled by coved
eaves string beneath embattled parapets, raked up over gables
and aisle ends.
INTERIOR: east window set in rebuilt former chancel arch.
North and south arcades, incorporating original transept
arches at east end, spring from octagonal columns and responds
with moulded capitals and bases. Westernmost arches die into
tower piers. Nave arcades have a continuous hoodmould, former
transept arches hoodmoulds on C19 carved headstops. Arches
springing from arcade easternmost columns and half octagonal
responds to north and south divide transepts from aisles.
All arches are 2 centred and double chamfered. Tower arches
are 2 centred, of 3 chamfered orders and die into octagonal
piers and half octagonal responds. South west pier contains
tower stair door in pointed chamfered opening. C12 masonry
survives over east window arch and tower arch. C15 nave and
chancel roof panelled with moulded ribs, with carved and
painted bosses at intersections. C19 aisle roofs panelled to
imitate nave roof on half trusses filled with cusped ogee
arches between vertical struts.
FITTINGS: include: hexagonal pulpit on tapered pedestal with
cusped panel sides between multi-tiered colonnettes ornamented
with jewel carvings and grotesques; sounding board capped by
voluted panels carved with winged cherub heads; both inscribed
with texts, sounding board dated 1634. Oak lectern on square
pedestal, buttressed between crocketed canopied niches housing
late C19 carvings of the Evangelists (from St Crux). Fine
early C20 reredos of marble/alabaster and oak. Three Mayoral
Boards: one painted with cyphers for W3R, 1696, and G2R, 1736,
and incorporating mace bracket; two others from St Crux, one
with W&M cypher, the other painted with Royal Arms and City of
York Arms together with W&M cypher. Three Benefaction Boards.
Two hatchments, one at west end in fluted frame with rosette
paterae probably George III; the other over vestry door from
St Crux, d.1688.
MONUMENTS AND BRASSES: include: north aisle: coped grave cover
with interlace carving and dragons at each corner; marble
tablet to Sgt. Major J Polety, d.1829, by Plows, with added
tablet to brother Charles, d.1838; tablet to Tate Wilkinson,
d.1803, and Jane his wife, d.1826, by Taylor; brass to Robert
Crathorn, Kt., d.1482; framed brass to Robert Askwith, d.1579,
from St Crux; inscription plate to Roger de Moreton, d.1382,
and Isabella his wife, d.1412, from St Saviour's. South aisle:
pedimented oval tablet to Ursula Wyvill, d.1790, her husband
and daughter; marble sarcophagus tablets to James Saunders,
Lord Mayor, 1818, d.1824, and Robert Bishopricke, Surgeon,
d.1814, by M Taylor. Tower south-east pier: stone tablet to
Henry Richards, d.1783. Chancel north-west pier: steel plate,
engraved and enamelled, to Stephen Jalland, killed at
Gallipoli, 1915. Glass: west window contains C14 glass removed
from St Saviour's church: other glass C19, by Kempe.
Fittings from churches of St Crux and St Saviour, St
Saviourgate (qv) transferred when St Crux was demolished
1887-88, St Saviour declared redundant 1969.
(City of York: RCHME: The Central Area: HMSO: 1981-: 1-5).
Listing NGR: SE6042151736