1112-1/28/252 (North East side)
18/09/92 No.14
(Formerly Listed as:
National Westminster Bank) GV II Includes: No.10 NEW STREET.
Bank and attached manager's house. 1907; altered 1994. By
Walter Brierley. For Beckett's Bank.
MATERIALS: ground floor of sandstone ashlar, upper floors of
orange-red brick in English bond, with rusticated quoins;
dressings and eaves cornice of ashlar. Hipped and sprocketed
roof of Westmorland slate: stone banded brick stacks with
moulded stone cornices. Lead rainwater goods.
EXTERIOR: 3-storey 5-bay front. Rusticated ground floor on
moulded ashlar plinth; openings recessed over ashlar panels,
between pilaster piers carrying deep entablature with moulded
dentilled cornice broken by herms. At right end, panelled
double doors beneath moulded cornice hood on grooved scrolled
brackets, with bordered overlight above. Windows are of 3
lights vertically, the top two bordered. First floor windows
are square bordered lights in moulded shaped surrounds with
moulded cornice hoods; second floor windows 12-pane sashes
with flat arches and moulded sills, linked by sill band, over
raised brick aprons. Moulded eaves frieze and mutule cornice,
with ornate rainwater head embossed with the letter B and
winged cherub head at left end. Corner between Coney Street
and New Street fronts splayed, bearing painted and moulded
shield of arms incorporating boar's heads and motto 'PRODESSE
New Street: 3-storey 5-bay return front, to left of wing of
2-storeys with attics, and 6 bays arranged 2:2:2:, centre bays
projecting. Return front reproduces Coney Street front without
doorway. Centre bays on ground floor of wing rusticated
ashlar, with round-arched openings of radiating voussoirs
containing door of 6 fielded panels beneath fanlight, and
small-pane sash window beneath moulded cornice. Windows in
flanking bays and at first floor right are 12-pane sashes with
stone sills and triple keyed flat arches of gauged brick.
Centre bay windows are similar but smaller, with ashlar
keyblocks to brick arches, and raised brick panels above. To
first floor left is Venetian window with 12-pane radial-glazed
centre sash, carved mullions and ashlar lintel rising over
centre light as gauged brick arch with ashlar triple keyblock.
Ashlar sill band to outer bay windows forms first floor band
across centre bays. Moulded coved eaves cornice with inverted
bell rainwater head and goods at left end. Segmental gabled dormers with 2-light casement windows to attic.
INTERIOR: banking hall lined with panelling to sill level,
beneath full height fluted Composite pilasters carrying
enriched entablature with modillion cornice. Windows at two
heights, in eared architraves, those at lower level pedimented
or with cornice hoods, those at upper level between bayleaf
drops. Corresponding openings on inner walls are blind and
treated similarly, as aedicules or panels. Two inner doorcases
are panelled, in eared architraves. Ceiling is heavily moulded
in plaster, with outer border of garlanded fruits and flowers,
corner spandrels filled with vegetables, and coffered saucer
dome crowned by glazed lantern, both encircled by bands of
vegetables: at each end, a cartouche bordered in fruit and
flowers contains a beribboned cipher. Listing NGR: SE6019751871
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