31-0/26/10267 Hampstead Garden Suburb
Nos.29-45 (Odd)
and attached garden walls
II Includes: Nos. 29-45 (Odd) Willifield Way LUCAS SQUARE Hampstead Garden Suburb.
Close of semi-detached houses and four-unit blocks which are linked by a garden wall, pierced with round-arched openings. 1908-09. Geoffrey Lucas. Light brown brick in English bond
with red brick dressings and painted pebble dash; some tile hanging; garden walls of brick with tile copings. Hipped and gableted roofs of tile, the gablets abutting angled, axial ridge stacks; swept and boxed eaves. The group is laid out on a trapezoidal green, so-called Lueas Square, which sits at a slightly lower level than Willifield Way. To provide views across the road, the architect has placed some sitting rooms on the first floor. All openings are flat arched unless otherwise stated. The group follows a rough symmetry, with the end units matching one another very nearly; however, the
points of difference from one block to another are so great that separate descriptions under this one listing are warranted.
End pairs of close consisting of Nos. 29 and 31, 43 and 45: near mirror images of one another, having at their outer corners a full-height canted bay with oversailing dormer gable at outer corners. The entrances are treated differently with the former pair set under a single hipped porch and at either side of party wall; four-window range in all. The latter with entrances to left of the bay and at left corner, each set under a tile-hung and gable facing porch on plain uprights; three-window range in all. Setback outshuts to returns and hipped rear wing, the roof lines forming an integral part of each elevation, which is conceived in depth not just as a facade (q.v., Nos. 25 and 27 Willifield Way). Doors and casements of an original design. Pebbledashed panels have quoin-like edging strips to be found on all units.
Nos. 33, 35 and 37 in a single block of six-window range, with the outer ranges projecting to finish in canted bay and oversailing gabled dormer motif. Entrance under broad porch with gableted roof to third-window range; entrances to end blocks on returns, reached through openings in garden walls. Despite impression of bilateral symmetry created by the end ranges, the disposition of windows is in fact asymmetrical, thus reproducing in one block the slight variations in design which differentiated the end units already described from one another.
Nos. 39 and 41 bilaterally symmetrical, the elevation
conceived of as the inverse of Nos. 25 and 27 Willifield Way odd (q.v.). with a pair of canted bays as above flanking the party wall forming a two-window range; the overall silhouette is similar to end units. At each corners an entrance with gable-facing and tile hung porch.
No.47 has one-window range; box-like structure which serves as an endpoint to the design and acts as a transition to the
group of buildings designed by Crickmer at the crossing of 37-51 Temple Fortune Hill (q.v.) and 49-55, 66 and 68 Willifield Way (q.v.). It is included for its group value. Casements windows and doors to all of original design. Axial stack to No.35, rear roof slope. The principal element in a Lucas-designed group comprising Nos. 25-45 odd (q.v.) Willifield Way; the gable-headed, oversailing dormer and canted bay motif is repeated in most of the units.
Listing NGR: TQ2523088538
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