SE 28 SW MASHAM 1159-/7/10004 PARK SQUARE
(North side) Park House II Includes: Park House BLACK BULL YARD. House. Early C17, altered and extended 1819, further alterations late C19 and C20.
Coursed rubble stone with ashlar dressings. Stone flag roofs with external stone stack to
left gable, rebuilt above roof in brick; brick stacks at right and centre. 2 storey, 4 window
front, left end quoined and projecting, 2 storey, 3 window extension projecting to right.
Off-centre pent porch with C20 double glazed doors, to right are two 12-pane sash
windows with timber lintels and to left one 3 x 6-pane Yorkshire sash window. Above
4 similar Yorkshire sash windows, all with tooled lintels. Extension, to right, has blocked
full height elliptical coach-house arch with quoins, one dated 1819 and initialled IS. Arch
now contains 2 tall 12 pane sashes, to left a C20 glazed door with timber lintel and above
a 3 x 6-pane Yorkshire sash. Left return has massive quoined external stack with
weathering, part cut away at top for inserted loft door. Rear has irregular fenestration
mostly C20, with a tall staircase window with an unequal 15-pane sash, and a 16-pane
sash to right. Projecting 2 storey wing to left remodelled late C20 with rebuilt brick stack
and additional bay with garage.
Interior: retains chamfered beams with ogee stops and a number of 6-panel doors.
Entrance hall has vertical timber post embedded in the wall to right of the door, and a
blocked fireplace of which one quoined jamb and the springing of an elliptical arch
survive on the left. Flanked by later alcove cupboards. Rear left room has plain stone
fireplace. Room to right of hall has fireplace with egg and dart mouldings, drops,
medallions and masks with dentilated wooden cornice, plus panelled shutters. Right end
room has marble fireplace. Roof has 4 principal rafter trusses, originally with collars, 2
purlins, chamfered and ogee stopped. Plank door with wooden latch survives between
early and late attics
Listing NGR: SE2234380810
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