TQ 04SW WONERSH C.P. UPPER HOUSE LANE 5/415 Upper House, Stoke
Waverley Cottage
and Magnolia Cottage II Cottage, extended in C19 and C20, now divided. C16, extended by R. Norman-Shaw
in 1874 when Hall, Drawing Room and offices were built. Further Norman-Shaw
extensions in 1880 when new sitting room and bedroom were added to the west, new
staircase and further additions by Shaw in 1887-8; all for Mrs Elinor Guthrie,
later Mrs Arbuthnot. Further additions onto Shaw's work. Original cottage -
timber framed clad in brick below, tile hung above in bands of fishscale
pattern, hipped plain tiled roof with gablet. Timber framed gabled range to
left with whitewashed render infilling. Two storeys, three framed bays with
inserted stack to right of centre. Scrolled decorative bargeboards on gable
wing. One window on each floor to right, two first floor and one square bay
window on gabled wing. Door to re-entrant angle under hipped pentice hood.
Range to right of 1 storey and attics with two hip roofed dormers and tall
stack. Two windows on ground floor and glazed door. Single storey brick
1960's extension to right (Magnolia Cottage) of no special interest. Main
Entrance Front to rear:- Double whitewashed infilled timber gables to right
with bargeboards, brick and tile hanging on remainder. Offset star-shaped front
stack to right. Two mullioned and transomed windows on the ground floor to
right. Recessed lower range across the centre with tall stacks to front and
rear. Gabled porch on moulded bressumer to centre. Tudor style door below
plaster relief panel of Adam and Eve. Four-light window above in first floor of
the porch. Further gable to left with chevron bracing and 5-light window.
Jettied first floor on dragon posts, and C20 door in margin lights below. Tile
hung linking range to left end with irregular casement fenestration to projecting
return wing on left. Right hand return front:- wooden pump casing attached to
wall. Panelled oak, carved with birds. Metal handle. Garden Front: Decorative
stacks, crowstepped and chevroned to right. Tile hung over brick ground floor.
Diamond-pane leaded casement fenestration, including oriel on first floor to
right, two gabled dormers to left and square bay window to left. Finely carved
lintels to many windows.
Interiors:- Fine staircase with twisted balusters and scrolled tread ends.
Carved panels in entrance porch. Plasterwork ceilings and panelling in some
rooms. Three bay medieval style Hall with massive stone fireplace, crown post
roof and plasterwork relief on end wall. A. SAINT: RICHARD NORMAN SHAW (1976) pp. 110, 113, 151, 164, 310, 413 ill. 91.
Listing NGR: TQ0374542237
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Books and journals Saint, A, Richard Norman Shaw, (1976), 110 113 Saint, A, Richard Norman Shaw, (1976), 151 164 Saint, A, Richard Norman Shaw, (1976), 310 413
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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