SE 16 SW (east side, off) 7/154 Padside Hall and attached
courtyard wall
6.3.67 GV II House and attached courtyard wall. Late C16 - early C17 with C19
alterations and restoration in progress at time of resurvey. Probably for
the Wigglesworth family. Gritstone; the south face (including courtyard
wall) and stacks of smoothly-dressed squared blocks, continued round the
outer corners of the wings; the remainder of roughly-finished coursed
rubble; graduated stone slate roofs. Hall and cross wing plan, the left
(west) wing ruined; the hall of 3 bays with rear outshut and right wing of 5
bays; the wings linked by a courtyard wall approximately 3 metres high and
having a central gateway with chamfered-quoined jambs and a shallow 4-
centred arched lintel in 2 parts. Cyma-moulded plinth; quoins. Recessed-
chamfered mullion windows throughout, some with hollow-moulded mullions.
Hall: studded plank door right, in chamfered quoined surround, the underside
of the lintel cut away. Window to left of 5 lights, of 3 lights above, both
with hoodmoulds. Left wing: 3-light window in south gable which survives to
first-floor level; left return: inserted doorway with plain surround right,
remainder demolished; right return: 2 ground-floor windows, of 2 and 3
lights; upper storey rebuilt. Right wing; south gable: blocked door left,
square opening above; 3-light window right, ground and first floor, lower
part of blocked single-light window cut by eaves line at apex. Shaped
kneelers, gable coping and remains of finial at apex, external stack to
right and on ridge to rear. Rear: 3-light window ground floor, right;
external stack on 3 corbels to first floor with projecting stones, possibly
a door jamb, to right. Left return: (courtyard) restored cart entrance to
left of centre, pigeon-holes above and Blight window to right; 4- and 3-
light windows with hoodmoulds to first floor. Right return, left to right:
small square opening to ground floor; external stack with oven to right and
shaft above eaves level restored c1970; first-floor stack supported by 2
corbels also restored; bays 3, 4 and 5: windows of 2, 2 and 3 lights to
ground floor, and of 2 and 4 lights above. Interior: hall: entry into cross
passage with 2 former service-room doors to right and fireplace to left.
Doorways to right have deeply-chamfered quoined surrounds with rounded
pyramid stops. Fireplace composed of an outer inglenook with free-standing
column on square stylobate to left supporting a timber mantel beam and stone
superstructure. Inserted fireplace within has cyma-moulded stone brackets
supporting stone lintel, and a cast-iron range. Blocked doorway to left of
fireplace has stopped-chamfered surround as those at opposite end of room.
Splat balusters reused in ladder stair to left of fireplace; upper floor cut
away to form a gallery; 2 principal rafter trusses, the through purlins
replaced by trenched. Right wing: north gable end: bolection-moulded
fireplaces to ground and first floors, with right-hand jamb and end of
lintel of a wider fireplace on first floor. Massive fireplace with cambered
arch and oven
opening in south end, right wall, floor above missing. Cross wall to this
wing of several builds, including a central section of smooth-finished
masonry with a vertical chamfered straight joint. An inserted straight
flight staircase cuts across the right-hand door from the hall. The site
was owned by the Ingilbys of Ripley Castle, Sir William Ingilby having died
there in 1579, when a detailed inventory of the building was made. The
rooms listed correspond to a hall and cross wing plan, suggesting that the
present house is of that date or more probably a rebuild in stone of the
early C17. A tower or stair turret is recorded at the north-east corner of
the building (Speight p 412), but it was demolished c1890 and the materials
used in the construction of a barn to the west of the hall. The house
continued in the possession of the Wigglesworths of Craven until 1891, by
which time the east wing had been substantially altered and probably the
outshut addition to the hall had been built. George Blackburn of Halifax
bought the hall and leased it to tenants, the old kitchen at the south end
of the east wing becoming a byre and barn and the hall became a farmhouse.
The west wing became a separate property c1960 and the demolition of the
roof and walls has taken place since then. North Yorkshire and Cleveland
Vernacular Buildings Study Group Report No 385. H Speight, Nidderdale,
1894, p 412. R Wilson, personal communication.
Listing NGR: SE1492960069
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This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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