SX 76 NE WOODLAND WOODLAND HAMLET 3/71 1 and 2 Higher Woodland Cottages
23.8.55 (Formerly listed as Higher
GV Woodland Farmhouse)
II* Pair of cottages, formerly a farmhouse occupied for several generations by the
Culling family. Early C16 or possibly earlier with C18 or C19 additions at
No. 2. Stone (except for a brick addition); coursed rubble at No. 1, random rubble
at No. 2. Asbestos slate roof, with corrugated iron on the brick addition. L-
shaped, the main range (now No. 2) having a 3-room and through passage plan with
the kitchen wing (now No. 1) at right angles to the inner room; the plan is unusual
in that the room below the passage seems to have been a parlour. Older stone
addition behind parlour has reused C16 or C17 beams, but is probably C18. Brick
addition behind hall stack is C19 or possibly later. 2 storeys, with single storey
brick addition. No. 2 is 3 irregularly sized windows wide. Doorway, off-centre to
left, has C20 door and porch, the latter with asbestos-slated pent roof. To its
left on ground storey a reused wood ovolo mullioned window of 2-lights, right-hand
side missing. To its right, a large window and then a small window. In right-hand
gable and at rear of hall, large projecting chimney-stacks with set-offs and
tapered tops. To west of hall stack a slight single-storey projection containing a
window and having a slated pent roof (probably the hall oriel). In west gable, in
ground storey, a 3-light wooden window with plain mullions and diagonally-set
vertical bars in the centre of the lights. No. 1 is 2 windows wide, but with a
large projection to right (in the angle of the L) having a single window in its
second storey and a pent roof. C19 door to left of projection has 2 flush panels
below and a 9-light glazed panel above. 1 window to left on ground storey. In
left-hand gable a large projecting chimney stack with set-offs and plain top.
Front windows in both cottages (except 1 with ovolo-mullions) have C19 or early C20
wood casements. Interiors: main range (No. 2) unusually well-preserved on ground
storey. All 3 partitions are of stud-and-panel construction with chamfered studs
where visible (partitions boarded at both ends of hall). In through passage studs
have diagonal cut stops, the doorway to hall with shouldered head, that to lower
room with cranked head. In lower room the studs have run-out stops set high enough
to allow for a bench. Doorway from hall to inner room has cranked head; all 3
doorways have plank doors, that to lower room with strap hinges. Hall fireplace
has wood lintel on moulded stone corbels. To its right a round-headed doorway with
shouldered durn-jambs, opening into a stair turret; plank door with wrought-iron
strap hinges (probably original). In opposite wall, at west end, a doorway with 2-
centred head and shouldered durn-jambs, opening onto a stair with winding stone
steps (with projection into No. 1). At lower end of hall ceiling-level drops
slightly, possibly concealing an internal jetty projecting into a formerly open
hall. Lower room has chamfered ceiling-beams without stops, and a fireplace with
ovolo-moulded wood lintel having run-out stops. Rear doorway of through passage
has chamfered wood lintel with step-stops. At top of stairs at rear of hall a
reset balustrade of rather primitive late C17 turned balusters. Roof rebuilt in
C19: No. 1 has fireplace with plain wood lintel in south wall of ground storey.
Chamfered ceiling-beams without stops. Round-headed doorway with shouldered durn-
jambs to projection in front wall (possibly a former stair turret, making 3 in the
original house). Probably original roof-trusses (unblackened) with cranked collar-
beams, butt purlins, some of them staggered and no ridge. Building group is in
close proximity to church tower (q.v).
Source: H R Evans in Transaction of Devonshire Association, 1960, pp 165, 168
Listing NGR: SX7910068755
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Books and journals 'Transactions of the Devonshire Association' in Transactions of the Devonshire Association, (1960), 165, 168
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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