WF10 (west side) 7/44 Barn, stables, and granary
9th May 1986 in yard immediately north
of Manor Farmhouse,
with yard wall - II Barn, stables, and cow house with granary; now (1986) disused. Mostly
earlier C18, but granary perhaps C17. Magnesian limestone rubble with
quoins, stone slate roofs. L-shaped plan forming west and north sides of
yard. Barn at west end of yard, 5 bays, tall, with slit breathers on
levels, has opposed wagon entrances in centre, with timber lintels, a door
to the 1st bay and a square loading door above this. Stable and cow-house
range attached at right-hand end, at right angle, in 2 builds; 3-bay stables
with 3 stable doors, a square 9-pane fixed window above the centre door, a
lean-to store in the angle; attached cow-house of earlier build, with quoins,
of similar length, has a stable door offset left of centre, an altered
horizontal rectangular window to each outer bay, and a small loading door
above the entrance. This range under one roof, at lower level than barn. Interior: barn has 6 king-post roof trusses, those in south half with
V-struts, all with longitudinal bracing to the ridge; cow-house has granary
over, with clay floor supported by large beams and chamfered joists; 3 roof
trusses, 2 with heavily cambered tie-beams (perhaps halved timber), king
posts with V-struts. Contemporary wall encloses other 2 sides of yard, with
rounded coping on that to the road. Listed as good example of complete set
of agricultural buildings.
Listing NGR: SE4337428698
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Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 45 West Yorkshire,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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