SK 64 NW
(south side)
5/68 Lambley House and
adjoining stable
Farmhouse. Early Cl9. Brick, stuccoed, with hipped and gabled
concrete tile roofs. Plinth, rebated eaves. 2 ridge, single
gable and single side wall stacks. 3 storeys, 3 bays. L-plan.
Windows are mainly glazing bar sashes. South front has stepped
forward central section. Central C20 flat roofed glazed porch,
flanked to left by 2 and to right by single sashes. Above, 3
sashes. Above again, 3 smaller sashes. East front has to left
full height half-round bay with conical roof. 3 sashes on each
floor. Above, top floor has single sash flanked by single
blocked openings. To right, canted flat roofed porch with door
flanked by single sashes. Above, a paired sash. Above again, a
sash. To right again, mid C19 rear wing with 4 sashes on each
floor. Rear has 3 gabled wings, that to left with door and above
it, a sash on each floor. Rear wing, west side, has to left 3
sashes and to right, a casement Above, to left, a Yorkshire
sash and to right, a sash. House west end has to left, 2 storey
canted bay window with 3 sashes on each floor. Above it, a sash.
Adjoining 2 storey stable with hipped roof has to east, central
round headed opening flanked by single doors. Above, round
headed casement flanked by single blank roundels. West side has
central opening flanked to left by door with overlight and to
right by a hatch. Above, central round headed blind recess,
flanked by single blind roundels. Above, half round blind
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