SO 73 NW; 4/38 EASTNOR CP,
UPPER ROAD (west side) Church of St John the Baptist 18.11.52 GV I C12, altered C13 and C15; tower remodelled C14; restored and mostly rebuilt
in 1852 by Sir G G Scott. Consists of west tower, nave and south porch,
north aisle and organ space and north or Somers chapel and chancel. Ashlar,
rubble and coursed squared rubble to the tower: plain tiled roofs. West
tower of three stages, diagonal buttresses and embattled parapet; the top is of
a different stone and is unbuttressed; setback pyramidal roof, weathervane
on ball finial; 3-light Perpendicular style west window and moulded west
doorway; single round-headed lights to second stage and 2-light C14 style
windows to bell chamber; square stair tower projects at north-east. Nave:
two C19 Geometric style windows and buttresses with off-sets. Projecting,
gabled, timber-framed porch has trefoil headed arcade on an ashlar base.
Restored south doorway of one order of columns with trumpet-scallop capitals
and a plain arch. Chancel: two fine C19 2-light windows in an early - mid
C14 style with much ballflower ornament and under hoodmoulds with head stops;
ball-flower ornamented wall plate; priests' door under large trefoil head,
ornamented with fleurons and ballflower; 3-light Geometric style east window,
also profuse with ballflower ornament. North aisle is plain with three narrow
slit windows. Somers chapel: angle buttresses with gabled heads; three lancet
windows divided by a transom, trefoil heads to lower part and a large trefoil
light above, under a hoodmould with head stops; decorated band over: INTERIOR:
Three-bay arcade to north chapel has octagonal piers and double-chamfered arches;
the east capital has trumpet-scallops. Double ware-moulded tower arch. Font
and pulpit of 1852 in a heavy Gothic style, of carved freestone and marble
shafts. Circular tub font in north aisle. Enriched Gothic style screen.
Reredos of 1896, incorporating carved friezes and other parts of a monument
from Siena. Glass: east window by Kempe; Somers chapel east window by
Wilmhurst and Oliphant, 1884. Monuments. Tower: two designed by James Stuart
and executed by Thomas Scheemakers; to Joseph Cocks died 1778, in brown and
white marble, a sarcophagus with a profile in a roundel and putti above;
and to Mary Cocks, died 1779, in marble, a seated woman by an urn, set
against drapery, and with a putto at the right. Somers chapel: to first
Earl Somers, died 1855, by Sir G G Scott, a freestone chest with religious
scenes in trefoiled arcading, all set in depressed arched niche; to 3rd
Earl, died 1883 by Sir J E Boehm, a grey marble chest tomb with a white
marble recumbent effigy; marble tablets to John Cocks, died 1771, an urn
in front of an obelisk; Edward Cocks, died 1782, by Thomas Scheemakers,
a marble plaque with books, a cap and a lamb at the foot; Charles Cocks 1806.
Rev John Fletcher, died 1797, also by Stuart and Scheemakers (Pevsner), stand-
ing female figure by an urn and in front of an obelisk. A high quality but
small and little known masterpiece by Scott at a cost of £1506 0s 3d. Listing NGR: SO7313437226
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Books and journals Inventory of Herefordshire II East, (1932) Pevsner, N, The Buildings of England: Herefordshire, (1963)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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