This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 01/07/2019 TF 46 SW
CHURCH LANE (east side)
Church of St Andrew 3.2.67 GV
Parish church. Mid C14, C15, 1638, 1701, restored C19 and C20. Greenstone rubble, red brick, limestone ashlar dressings, some render. Concrete tiled roofs with stone coped gables and cross finials. West tower, nave with south aisle and south porch, chancel with north vestry. Late C15 three stage west tower with moulded plinth and string course. Six stage angle buttresses and patched with C18 brick. Large pointed west window with double bowtell moulded surround, three cusped lights, that in the centre with ogee head, panel tracery, hood mould and head label stops. Moulded string course above. Single lancet above with bowtell moulded surround and inner cusped head. A similar window to the south with four slit stairlights in buttress to left. Bell openings on all four sides, all with pointed heads, bowtell moulded surrounds, three cusped ogee headed lights, reticulated tracery and hood mould. Moulded eaves with small sculptured motifs and plain corner pinnacles. Late C15 north aisle, somewhat remodelled in 1638, patched with brick in the C18 and restored in C20. Flattened triangular headed C15 window to right, with three triangular headed lights and panel tracery. C20 two stage buttresses to left flank a pointed doorway with continuous chamfered surround, hood mould and plank door. Stone above inscribed "1638 WP RC." C19 copy of window to west, beyond doorway to east. Plain C19 rubble vestry to left with rectangular chimney and doorway at ground level with ashlar lintel. Rectangular window above to left, with two cusped ogee headed lights. North side of chancel with single corbel. East end with rendered gable and pointed east window, basically C15 but the panel tracery and mullions of the three cusped lights replaced in C19. South side of the chancel with rectangular C15 window to east, with two cusped ogee headed lights restored in C19. Doorway to the left with pointed C19 head, plank door, hood mould and head label stops. Parapet above continues the full length of chancel and nave. East end of south aisle of nave with large pointed opening blocked with irregular rubble patching. Single lancet inserted with inner cusped, pointed head. South side proper with C19 window to right with flattened triangular head and three triangular headed lights with panel tracery. Similar window beyond, early C16 pedimented porch to left; the latter with pointed doorway with continuous moulded surround. Inner C14 doorway with continuously moulded surround, hood mould with large grotesque head label stops and C16 plank door. Beam in roof inscribed "1701 I.M." West end of south aisle with small C14 lancet with inner cusped ogee head and hood mould. C15 tall interior tower arch with pointed triple chamfered head, the outer orders being continuous; the inner order supported on polygonal jambs with moulded capitals and high plinths. Doorway in south west corner with flattened triangular head, continuous moulded surround and C17 plank door. Mid C14 north and south three bay arcades, the north arcade being a little later; both with double chamfered pointed heads, octagonal piers, polygonal responds and moulded capitals. Small blocked pointed opening in eastern spandrel of north arcade. East end of the north aisle with rectangular doorway leading to vestry. South aisle with small square aumbry. No chancel arch, just an ornate C20 screen. Chancel with C15 north vestry arch originally leading to demolished chapel, with continuous double chamfered surround. Female head corbel to left. Partially blocked tomb niche to right. Below a very fine recumbant effigy of Thomas de Redyng, rector of Little Steeping 1318-1353. Piscina beyond with elongated trefoiled head. Aumbry with segmental head on south side. C14 octagonal font on high octagonal pedestal, seven sides with small standing figures under crocketed and finialled canopies. C19 pews, lectern, pulpit, panelled ceilings with ornate painted bosses. Listing NGR: TF4335863556
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