686-1/4/96 GILLINGHAM
CENTRAL AVENUE (south side)
Former mess block 8 metres to south of central mess block, HMS Pembroke (Formerly Listed as: CENTRAL AVENUE, Hms Pembroke (South side) Block 10 yards to south of Central Mess Block at HMS Pembroke) 06/06/84
Mess block and offices, now offices. Dated 1900 on hoppers, by Sir Henry Pilkington. Red brick with Portland dressings, gable and ridge stacks, and slate roof. STYLE: Edwardian Baroque.
PLAN: double-depth H-shaped plan with central stair hall. EXTERIOR: three storeys; five window range. A symmetrical range has a rusticated banded ground floor, cill and plat bands, stone frieze and modillion cornice, and parapet. Central bowed distyle in antis porch has Tuscan columns and blocked antae, entablature and balustrade, to a doorway with architrave and double doors; above is a four storey central section with angled lateral stacks flanking a two storey round-arched window which rises through the cornice, with mullions and transoms to metal casements, large alternate voussoirs and keystone, and enriched aprons; the stacks are linked by a crenellated parapet and round arch supporting a balustrade. Outer windows with large split keystones, architraves to first and second floors, to 6/6-pane sashes, and dormers with paired 4/4-pane sashes in the parapet either side of the central feature. Ends have two gables with corbelled gable stacks, separated by a recessed central section with a large diagonally-set lateral stack. Rear 2:1:2-window range has a wide section projecting two bays out from the centre, with tripartite flat-headed windows and tall coped attic. Rear arched link to the Central Mess Block (qv) added later. A large central ridge lantern has casements. Cast-iron dated hoppers and square downpipes. INTERIOR: not inspected, but reported to be without special decorative features. HISTORY: forms the south of three richly detailed mess blocks, and part of a carefully planned early C20 naval barracks, with the Captain's House, barracks (Pasley Rd) and ancillary buildings (qqv). Listing NGR: TQ7658969480
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