817-1/17/84 (North side)
12/04/73 Nos.99 AND 101 GV II House, now shop with storage in former dwelling over ground
floor. Early C18,with C19 and C20 alterations. Orange-red
brick laid to Flemish bond, with grey overburnt headers. Old
tile roofs. Double-depth plan.
EXTERIOR: 5-bay front with entry slightly right of centre,
staircase hall in centre right-hand side; 2 storeys and
attics. First floor has 5 slightly recessed 12-pane sash
windows in architrave surrounds under rubbed flat arches,
immediately below moulded base of plat band and cornice.
First-floor level plat band is raised above door to
accommodate a former pediment or hood. Ground floor has 2
plai-glazed display windows in voids of former sashes, with
rubbed flat arches above. 8-panel door, with 4 upper panels
now glazed, recessed in early C19 surround with panelled
pilasters and flat hood with moulded cornice. At left is late
C19 shopfront with central glazed door below blank panel, and
slim pilasters flanking plate-glass closed display windows,
with moulded sills and stucco stallrisers with plinths. Fascia
flanked by cut consoles, with flat stops to blind box above.
Right (east) side elevation shows 'M' shaped gable, with 2
large sash windows on first floor, left and right, and with
staircase landing windows of mullion and transom pattern
centre right and a side entry ground floor centre left.
Projecting half gable of rear outshut, and hip roofed single
storey outhouse.
Rear elevation has 3 truncated 12-pane sashes at right,
narrowed opening in centre with 8-pane sash, and 2 large
12-pane sashes, probably re-set, in projecting outshot. 2
similar openings on ground floor below plat band. Ground floor
right has C19 Welsh-slated lean-to extension.
Roofs with brick parapet front above moulded brick cornice.
Parapeted 'M' shaped gable at right (east) side, hipped roof
with half round hip tiles over rear outshots. 3 wood casement
dormers to front, outer 2 gabled, centre with segmental arched
roof, all lead covered. Single C20 tile-roofed gabled casement
dormer at rear right, small box dormer in centre of hip over
outshoot at left. 4 brick chimneystacks, left and right, front
pair with offset base, all with oversailing courses and
earthenware pots.
INTERIOR: ground floor opened out across frontage and through
to rear on left (west) beneath C19 lean-to, but position of
central passageway marked by cased beams. Staircase hall and
rear doorway with raised hood, now internal with later
lean-to, with arches with break-front key stones and
break-front cornices within. Dogleg stair rises to attics, of
close string pattern with C19 octagonal newel with acorn head,
but retaining barley sugar twist column-on-urn balusters to
first floor, with bobbin balusters and elongated urns above,
moulded handrails, and dado with recessed panels and quadrant
surrounds. Some cornices and panelled doors on first floor,
with elaborate raised and fielded panelling and panelled
chimneybreast, and elaborate double wood cornice in first
floor outshoot room.
Landing and 3 main attic spaces on second floor with separate
small north attic, with C18 blank door, above outshut. Double
roof with central valley has paired rafters without ridge
boards, and assembly marks in late medieval tradition.
Basement, with steps with elm treads on brick risers, brick
floor and walls, fire recesses but no fireplaces.
(Hertfordshire Countryside: Forrester H: Hertford Homes in
Queen Anne's Day: Letchworth: 1946-1960: 104-107; Smith JT:
English Houses 1200-1800: The Hertfordshire Evidence: London:
1992-: 167, 168; Smith JT: Hertfordshire Houses: Selective
Inventory: London: 1993-: 85).
Listing NGR: TL3284112670
The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.
Legacy System number:
Legacy System:
Books and journals Smith, J T, English Houses 1200-1800 The Hertfordshire Evidence, (1994), 167 168 Smith, J T, Hertfordshire Houses Selective Inventory, (1993), 85 'Hertfordshire Countryside' in Hertfordshire Countryside, (1946-1960), 104-107
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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