817-1/17/65 (North side)
02/01/73 Nos.25-35 (Odd) GV II Range of houses, now shops and offices. Late C17/early C18,
altered C19 and C20. Timber-framed, plastered, some masonry
lining, brick, laid to English Garden Wall bond to right-hand
(east) gable end, weatherboard rear, old tiled 'M' profile
double roof, with broad overhanging eaves and cornice, (No.33
front slope has concrete tiles). Brick chimneystacks.
EXTERIOR: 7-bay frontage (block truncated at east by 1 bay
c1880 for construction of Market Street, and again in mid
1930s by a further bay for road widening), 2 storeys and
attics. 4 box dormers with C19 and C20 casements, single C20
gabled casement dormer, and at right single C18 casement
dormer with moulded wood cornice and hipped roof.
First floor has 7 windows, 2 C19 triple sash windows with
plate glass, 3 triple sashes 4:12:4 panes, a canted oriel bay
with 4:12:4 paned triple sash, and at right a single 12 pane
flush-set sash window. Ground floor No.25 has double-fronted
early C20 shopfront with plate glass windows, Nos 27-31 has
1980s triple bow-fronted shop window with glazing bars (based
on those in late C19 photographs of the block), No.31 has C19
shopfront with arcaded windows, with early C20 blue tile
stallriser and timber fascia with dentil and modillion
No.33 has c1950 multi-paned timber shop window with panelled
stallriser, and bold moulded cornice above fascia. Rear has
long 1 and 2-storey outshuts, weatherboarded with stuccoed
INTERIORS: much altered and opened out on ground floor. No.31
preserves original arrangement of front and rear rooms with
central fireplaces, closed string stairs with column newel and
stick balusters, rear first-floor room with C18 sash with
quadrant bars, attic with C18 plank battened door with strap
hinges, roof with much renewal, butt purlin principal
structure remains; cellar with red brick walls. Nos 27 and 29
internally rebuilt mid 1980s as savings bank and offices,
first floor has exposed wall plate with mortices for studs in
rear wall, attics with modern raised ceiling above collars,
roof with pegged and halved rafters, rear roof raised to form
catslide over enlarged attic rooms.
(Forrester H: Timber-framed buildings in Hertford and Ware:
Hitchin: 1964-: 23; Smith JT: Hertfordshire Houses: Selective
Inventory: London: 1993-: 84; Green L: Hertford's Past in
pictures: Ware: 1993-: 8-12).
Listing NGR: TL3272612610
The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.
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Books and journals Forrester, H , Timber Framed Buildings in Hertford and Ware, (1964), 23 Green, L, Hertfords Past in Pictures, (1993), 8-12 Smith, J T, Hertfordshire Houses Selective Inventory, (1993), 84
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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