817-1/17/45 (East side)
12/04/73 Nos.35 AND 37
including former No.33
(Formerly Listed as:
Nos.31-37 (Odd)) GV II Houses (No.35 now incorporates No.33, end unit of terrace from
No.19 (qv), and No.37 has former Green Coat school as east
wing (qv). C16, altered C19 and subdivided, timber-framed and
plastered, former No.33 underbuilt in brown brick, Flemish
bond, No.37 has weatherboarded stair turret. Old tiled roofs
gabled to west on No.35, higher gabled cross wing to No.37,
red brick chimney on ridge above former No.33, external
chimney breast and red brick 'T' plan chimneystack with 3 long
orange clay pots on right (east) end of No.37; No.35 has
single storey slate roofed lean-to on south.
EXTERIOR: No.35 has 1 flush 12-pane sash window at left on
first floor (former No.33) and one C19 2-light wood casement
with margin glazing; ground floor with 1 sash window and
half-glazed door recessed in architrave frame to left (former
No.33), with projecting C19 bay with sash window with divided
glazing, and sash sidelights, with lead flat roof, in centre;
margin glazed casement far right in lean-to; flank south
elevation has 2-light wood casements, first and ground floors,
with C19 4-panel door, upper 2 glazed at right.
No.37 has 1 small 2-light casement on first floor of
weatherboarded stair turret beneath catslide roof of loft, and
1 tall 2-light casement, divided horizontally with 4 panes
centre right, below gable, with shallow jetty above. Bressumer
band above ground-floor windows marks line of former jetty,
underbuilt C19, now with 2 flush-set sashes, top sashes with 8
panes, lower sashes with divided glazing. Deep plinth, black
tarred, partly weatherboarded, partly coloured over brick,
around building. Rear gabled elevation has central tall
casement window as on front, ground floor 3 and 2-light
INTERIOR: No.35 has exposed jowled posts and tie beam in first
floor bedroom in gabled end, Tudor arched brick fireplace in
room below with flask shaped stack above.
No.37 has ground floor main room with exposed chamfered beams
with tongue stops, fireplace with brick cheeks, one rebuilt,
and timber bressumer with roll mouldings; first floor,
approached by tight winding staircase in turret, originally
one chamber, studwork exposed in west wall, modern ceiling at
wall plate level, originally ceiled at collar level, roof has
heavy section halved and pegged rafters with no ridge, no
purlins visible, no smoke blackening.
HISTORICAL NOTE: No.35 & 37 were a single house. In 1812 the
east wing was built as the Green Coat School, and the house
became the Schoolmaster's House. The school moved to larger
premises on the London Road in 1868.
(Page FM: History of Hertford: Hertford: 1993-: 178-9). Listing NGR: TL3273612505
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Books and journals Page, F M, History of Hertford, (1993), 178-179
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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